We hope this letter finds you joyous in the Lord as you serve Him. We praise God for the work He is doing with our family as we continue our deputation in the West. Through 15 months, our support is at 62%, not including some recent church commitments. The month was filled with great meetings, and we thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. We were also able to win many souls to the Lord, likely over 100.
Grand View Baptist Church of Beavercreek, Oregon, had a Spring Program, which included the Gospel being relayed to hundreds of people in nearby park spaces throughout the day. Brother Jeremiah Glosser gave me the opportunity to preach the Gospel for 10-15 minutes each at each of two gatherings. The day provided great hope and enjoyment for people who may not have listened in a door-to-door environment. Sarah individually led a young lady named Maleah to the Lord during this event. I was able to lead Keely the day before while visiting neighborhoods. Please pray that God’s direction will be evident in the lives of those saved, providing the joy, love, peace, and contentment that only our Saviour can give in this world.
In Great Falls, Montana, I had the honor of leading Cheryl to the Lord. Nearly 60 years old, she seemed very resistant to talk to me; but, praise the Lord, she continued to listen through interruptions and times where she thought it was time for her to go. She shared that her mom and dad had both been killed by a drunk driver one evening and that she was fearful for them and for her. Ultimately, she was not sure of Heaven but learned how to be sure on that morning of April 22, 2017. So many of the people we talk to have wounds of the past, which sometimes can be the very thing that brings salvation into their lives. Please pray for Cheryl’s growth and that more of her family will learn of God’s plan of salvation.
For Thailand, we pray for our team, churches, and the many servants who work to bring the Lord to the Thai people. We pray for new church plants and the men being discipled to pastor those churches. We pray for our young people and the moms and dads of those young people. We pray that godly families with strong direction will become more evident across the land. We look forward to giving all we can to the country and people of Thailand. May many blessings be upon all who pray and give to missions, laying their treasures up in Heaven. Thank you again!
Grateful to serve,
Chad Inman and Family
- Pastor Shearer – 34th Missions Conference
- Mrs. Jennifer Byram
- Bro. Piers Thomas
- Pastor and Mrs. Richter
- Our Girls
- Jeremiah Glosser Preaching in Oregon
- Mrs. Cathy Flores
- Maleah – Saved
- Keely – Saved
- Pastor Minge
- Pastor Mutchler