Godly blessings abounded this month, with strong answers to prayer, the resumption of live, in-person services, regular soul-winning success, and the opportunity to help a widow with 25 fatherless children (we’ll explain that one in a minute).
Answers to Prayer
Thank you for your prayers for Eh Khu, our young man who was in a motorcycle accident. God is miraculously healing Eh Khu. He will be able to rest and heal at home in a few days. His employers are covering the expensive cost of his 50-day hospital visit, including brain surgery. So many people have been praying—the Lord answers prayer! Going forward, Eh Khu will need a costly supplement mix that will encourage brain healing. We’re prayerfully making plans to help out with these costs. Eh Khu worked with about 12 different church members doing construction and land maintenance. Each week, a different coworker would volunteer to forgo pay and come into the hospital to care for Eh Khu all day, as the hospital is short on labor. For blessing and answer to prayer number two, God has given us transportation improvements, upgrading one church vehicle for more passengers and outright adding another truck. These improvements are a godly, visual confirmation for our church people to see every service. New members are safely riding the trucks to church each week.
“Real People” Services Resume
For IBC-Nong Phlap, seven out of nine services were in-person for the month of October. Going into November, we will prayerfully plan for eight for eight. Please join us in that prayer. October Sunday attendances ranged from 30% of normal (very first opening) to 70% of normal through multiple service venues and times to keep us regulation-correct. Thank you for praying! We’re just glad to be back to in-person services after having to do three months of online-only services. Praise the Lord!
Soul Winning
We rejoice in seeing at least 26 souls saved this month. God gave us many divine appointments. Several folks have somewhat reached the bottom of the income valley, as international tourism is set to open here on November 1, after being closed for 18 months. Just yesterday, 6 souls found salvation. We drove down 4×4-needed roads for the first time to reach large pineapple fields, where Wheatpaa was working. When we exited the truck to talk to her, she looked at us like we came from Mars—only the pineapple trucks drive in that deep. She was so ready to be saved, agreeing with the truth throughout and asking us our names and about the church upon salvation. Nobody had ever given Wheatpaa the Gospel in 55 years. Now she knows. Some of the other precious souls saved are pictured below. God is great!
Helping a Widow and 25 Fatherless Children
During the lows-of-the-lows windows here, an opportunity came to help an orphanage across the border. The Christian orphanage caretaker has faithfully taken on more children over the years, counting on God to provide, because the money was not there for the extra children. Forty days ago, the orphanage was out of food, and the kids were running short on almost everything. Star, our assistant pastor, put out a simple request for help through a few pictures and videos. Many people, including our church members, responded to this need, along with a few individual donors from the U.S., allowing the orphanage to purchase enough food, clothes, and needs for the next three months. Some of our church members’ extended families live near the orphanage and can see how everything is going. Pictures and videos of their incredible thankfulness for the food, clothes, and needed upgrades to manage 27 souls have come through. They are praising the Lord for His goodness and care, following God. A born-again widow with one son (her husband died 10 years ago) was led by faith to eventually care for 24 others who had no home, no money, and no parents. Most of the children have been presented the Gospel and are saved. Our IBC-Nong Phlap church decided to give $30 every month to assist the orphanage on top of the kind one-time givers, making a difference.
Thank You!
Your encouraging, your praying, and your wanting to see God work in people on the other side of the world stirs our hearts. Going forward, please pray for our members undergoing compulsory medicals. Many face this decision to keep employment. Many have suffered. Pray for God to work in the best possible way, optimizing the health and growth of our people, both physically and spiritually. Linked here, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1T79J2TuakVbrJzpBNH_s0_9n-oVHJTFU?usp=sharing, is a short video, capsulizing where we were two weeks ago. Since the video, things have brightened up even more. May the Lord bless you as you serve Him in faith, looking to Him as our authority and guide in all matters of life.
Grateful to serve,
Bro. Chad Inman & Family
- One of Ehsday’s fatherless souls
- One of Ehsday’s fatherless souls
- In-person services resume — baptism
- Another of Ehsday’s fatherless souls
- Church trucks
- One of Ehsday’s fatherless souls
- A few of Ehsday’s fatherless souls
- Ekye, Neeneeow, and Yalion
- Another of Ehsday’s fatherless souls
- Yinmebye and Geeso
- Sanom, age 65
- In-person services resume — baptism
- Tithing church member
- Clothing the Lord provided
- Yon, age 64
- Eh Khu now
- Ehsday, a widow with a big heart
- Wheatpaa, age 55, was saved
- Three more of Ehsday’s fatherless souls
- A great big smile from one of Ehsday’s fatherless little girls
- Eh Khu after his motorcycle accident
- Food the Lord provided