There is never a dull time on the road. The Lord blessed us on our travels in September, ranging from Iowa to Massachusetts and many places in between. Thank you all for praying, as we have not had one car accident on the road—not even a scratch.
Although Emma has been growing like a weed, she can’t take a turn driving yet, although, as you can see from the picture, I’m sure she will want to drive as soon as she can.
It is wonderful, as we travel from church to church, to meet so many great people across the country. However, that can be a two-edged sword, as that makes it all the harder on us when we need to say goodbye. One of the most challenging things for us about deputation is when we put forth labor in a church and then need to leave. It’s like leaving a small part of ourselves behind as we gain a heart and love for the church and people.
For example, the Eastern Hills Baptist Church let us stay in their prophet’s chamber for two weeks while we were in Western Iowa. While we were there, we went visiting and soul winning several times in preparation for their biggest Sunday of the year—Friend Sunday! Unfortunately, we needed to leave the area before Friend Sunday arrived. Praise the Lord that their pastor got ahold of me a few days ago and told me that they had over 200 in attendance for Friend Sunday, and more than 30 people were saved. Hallelujah! Although we did not personally get to see the fruits of our efforts there, I’m glad that we have a faithful God Who still gives the increase.
That all the world may know,
Caleb Christiansen