Genesis 8:22 says, “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” This month our family definitely experienced the cold and heat and summer and winter as we traveled from Arizona to Idaho and then to Wyoming and lastly to Nevada! We’ve seen 90 degrees and sunshine, as well as 15 degrees and 2 feet of snow! In all the travels we’ve had this month and the variations of weather, all we can say is, God is good, and we are blessed!
We kicked off the month in Marana, Arizona, with Sun and Shield Baptist Church. There we were blessed to go canvassing in a neighborhood on Saturday. Ali and I both had the opportunity to teach a Sunday school class and then present in the morning service. I also was able to preach Sunday evening for them.
As we were traveling from one meeting to Marana, Arizona, I was blessed to have an opportunity to share the Gospel with a young lady named Adela. We were getting breakfast from a food truck in Carlsbad, New Mexico, when I gave the worker (Adela) a Gospel tract and wished her a blessed day. We then ate our food and were getting ready to leave when I noticed that she was reading the Gospel tract. I immediately felt God leading me to go back and talk with her more. After talking with her for quite some time and going through the Gospel with her, she came to place her trust and faith in Christ alone! Please pray that Adela will find a good church in her area and begin to grow in Christ!
From Marana we headed to Still Waters Baptist Church of Lewiston, Idaho. We had a wonderful time of fellowship with Pastor Gipp and his precious family and are thankful for another opportunity to present our ministry and teach/preach each of their services that Sunday for them. After Idaho we had to wait an extra day to drive down to Casper, Wyoming, due to the snowstorm of the century! In Casper we were blessed to stay at Lighthouse Baptist Church and present/preach their midweek service. We also presented and I preached in the evening service at Calvary Baptist Church. Pastor Matney also gave me the opportunity to speak to the children in their school on that Monday, and it truly was a blessing to do so!
From Casper we headed to Burns, Wyoming, to present and preach at Blessed Hope Baptist Church. While in Burns, we had the blessing of seeing Ali’s parents. One of the nights at their hotel, Ali’s dad (Jeff) and I had the opportunity to meet a young man named Jake while in the lobby. After talking with him all night, I was able to go through the Gospel with him; and, praise the Lord, he came to call upon the Lord as his own personal Saviour!
Lastly, we ended the month in Silver Springs, Nevada, with Pastor Montgomery and Faith Baptist Church. It was a thrill for me to preach to some teens at their Youth Rally on my birthday! God seemed to work through all three preachers’ messages that day, and the teens seemed to be focused all day. Please pray that many of these teens will make important decisions for Christ! On Sunday I was able to teach Sunday school and present our ministry. Thank you to all the churches and pastors this month for all the blessings and the opportunity to share Kenya, East Africa.
I close out our prayer letter by praising God for the 53% that we now are up to and to say, as always, Asante (“thank you”) to all of you for your faithful prayers and support! May you all have a blessed spring and bloom in your walk and relationship with Christ throughout this year!
Your co-laborers for lost souls across East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah, & Esther Heselschwerdt
Romans 10:14
- Jeffrey hanging a church flyer on someone’s door.
- Ali and Hannah out door knocking while in Casper, Wyoming
- Witnessing to Adela after giving her a tract—praise the Lord, she came to trust Christ as her Saviour!
- Teaching the teens at Faith Baptist Church’s Teen Rally
- Jeffrey, Hannah, and Esther practicing singing in the kids’ choir at Gateway Baptist Church!
- Sunshine or snow, the kiddos (Jeffrey and Esther) love passing out tracts to people on their doorsteps.