Glory to God! We are officially on the deputation trail toward Kenya, East Africa. We have had a pretty busy month as we dove into visiting nearby churches and presenting the ministry in Kenya. As we are encouraged by the team in Kenya and all that God is using them to accomplish there at this time for His glory, it drives us to do more for the Lord here and continues to burden our hearts for the lost souls in Kenya. We are eager to be a part of our team in Kenya and long to be there, reaching the lost with the Gospel. So for now, we press forward and stay busy for the Lord here and now!
We have enjoyed some good fellowship and time with local churches here across Southern/Mid-Michigan as we’ve dropped in to share the ministry God has given us in Kenya. Please pray for us, as some of these churches have expressed a desire to have us come back for a meeting with them and possibly partner alongside us in reaching lost souls across East Africa. We would like to say thank you personally to Pastor Remington and Grace Baptist Church of Coleman, Michigan, for being the first church where we presented our ministry. We felt right at home with all of those at GBC, and Pastor Remington gave us some great advice and guidance as we begin our journey. Again, thank you!
One of the highlights this month for us was preaching at the Women’s Prison in Ypsilanti, Michigan. My wife and I normally have around 20 women in attendance, but this month we had 43 women present. The guards even had to go and find more chairs for all the ladies to be able to sit during the service. Amen. After a wonderful service together and clearly giving the Gospel, we were blessed to see 11 women come forward to receive Christ as their own personal Saviour.
The last major highlight and moment we had this month was my ordination service. It was a tearful evening at our home church (Faith Baptist Church of Chelsea), as everything became more real with our home church and family officially sending us out to go and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those sitting in darkness in Kenya. It was also a bittersweet moment, as our assistant pastor, Jerry Gould, gave us the charge message. He has been a spiritual leader and like a father to me over the last several years. So in a way, it was like a father seeing his son off. It was a night of our lives we will never forget. Thank you to our entire church family at FBC of Chelsea for your love and support as you see us off to make our way to East Africa to reach the lost for Jesus Christ.
Thank you to all of you who pray for us! None of this is possible without you bathing us in your prayers unto the Lord. May God bless you, and again, thank you!
Your co-labourers for lost souls in East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah, & Esther Heselschwerdt
Romans 10:14
- Giving my testimony at my ordination service
- Pastor Gould preaching the charge message to us
- Mr. & Mrs. Wetzel, thank you for dinner, ice cream, and some sweet fellowship after church at Nashville Baptist Church.
- Jeffrey’s 5th birthday; also celebrated Esther’s 2nd birthday
- Presenting at Grace Baptist Church
- Pastor Gould and I after my ordination service