For our family, the months of April and May have been filled with language school throughout the week and helping out at Lighthouse Baptist Church of Ruiru! Our family is getting into a nice routine and schedule of things here in Kenya as well. At Lighthouse Baptist Church, Ali has had the blessing of helping out and teaching the children’s class with Mrs. Richey and one other Kenyan lady in the church. It’s been a blessing to see the kids’ excitement while Ali is teaching them with puppets. I also have been teaching every other Sunday with a young man named Emmanuel on why we are Baptists. I was also able to be of help to Missionary/Pastor Richey for two of the services over the last two months by filling in for him and preaching the main services while Emmanuel translated for me.
At the beginning of April, our family was blessed with a financial gift from our home church to purchase a car so that we can freely get about to where we need to go now without relying on taxis or Ubers. Thank you, Pastor Summers and Faith Baptist Church of Chelsea, for your financial gift! Language classes are going very well as well, and we only have two more weeks left before we get a three-week break and then start up our final twelve weeks! We personally want to thank each and every one of you who have been praying for our language school. The prayers of God’s people have made all the difference as we learn the language!
I have been able to join Missionary Peter Morris on Wednesday evenings to help out with a discipleship class we have been having in the apartment complexes that we live in. Two ladies have been faithfully coming every week and showing much hunger for the truth of God’s Word! This past month, Bro. Morris went up-country to follow up with several pastors and to work with them for about a week. While he was there, I was asked to fill in for him for the Wednesday night discipleship class. It has been a blessing to see the growth in these two ladies and to see their longing to know more of God’s Word.
Lastly, Emmanuel was invited to preach at a boys’ high school of about 200-300 students on a Sunday morning. We were able to drive out to the school, preach, and still make it back just in time for our church services at Lighthouse Baptist Church. Emmanuel preached the service at the boys’ school, and I was asked to give the invitation after the message. Praise the Lord, we were able to see one young man come forward for salvation! Please continue to pray for this wonderful opportunity, as Emmanuel and I have been asked to come back on a regular basis to continue to preach to these young men each month!
We thank you for your faithful prayers and support! Please continue to pray for language school; pray that we will begin to speak more and more of the language with the people! Pray for the opportunities we have been given to get the Gospel out to others and that God will continue to save those we bring the Gospel to! Thank you all so much as always, and God bless you.
Your co-laborers for lost souls across East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah & Esther Heselschwerdt
Romans 10:14
- Ali using puppets to teach the children in Sunday school
- Esther helping to clean around the church property
- Bro. Emmanuel and I teaching on why we are Baptists
- Ali and I sharing the Gospel with two ladies after the church service
- Giving discipleship lessons
- Celebrating Hannah’s birthday
- Ali and Hannah singing before the church service
- Our new vechicle