Hello to all! It is a genuine joy to be a part of what God is doing here in Kenya, with you as our partners in this great work. As Lighthouse Baptist Church members have grown in understanding and numbers, we have seen God adding to His church. In recent weeks, we have seen at least eight of our Sunday school children make a decision to call upon Christ Jesus as their Saviour. More than a dozen adults have been saved through soul winning house to house and preaching in the church!
During a recent Wednesday evening fellowship, we had a time of prayer, and one of our members, Rachel, asked us to pray that her father would be saved. It has been exciting to see this lady get saved and baptized, grow in spiritual understanding, become involved in the work of the church, and gain a true burden for lost souls. As I was praying and asking God to send someone to reach her father before it was too late, the Holy Ghost spoke to me in the clearest way: “You are sitting here next to some soul winners you have trained.” He brought to my mind Romans 10:13-15. I immediately discussed with our church folks about going to share the Gospel the following week. Four of us traveled 8 hours one way to “preach” to Rachel’s father, and God allowed others to hear also. After 16 hours of driving and 1½ days of searching for her dad, 4 precious souls called upon Christ, including Rachel’s father. The church rejoiced together over this Spirit-led mission. Rachel was rejoicing most of all because God had answered her prayer of over a year for her father to be saved! How sweet to be used of God always.
The last Sunday of September, we celebrated the second anniversary of Lighthouse Baptist Church. God has been faithful in building His church, as we have tried to do our part in partnership with you through prayer, labor, and faithfulness. I have included some pictures so you can see and rejoice with us concerning the growth of God’s work. We have been meeting in basically two houses, which are rented. One place is our auditorium, and another serves as a kitchen/Sunday school for our children. While we don’t look forward to the headache of moving to a larger location, the time is quickly approaching where we will have to move. (In an American comparison, we meet in a storefront setting.) Should God continue adding souls at the current rate, we will be in a situation to outgrow the current space within the coming months, and we will then be looking to purchase property. Please pray with us concerning this situation.
As we work to be faithful in soul winning and discipling converts, God has added to us many precious people. Connie has led several children to Jesus. One of these children, Damaris, told her friend Sylvia that she had gotten saved. Damaris brought Sylvia to us when we are out visiting one day and said, “Sylvia wants to be saved too.” Connie spoke to Sylvia, and she sweetly accepted Christ as her Saviour also. I was out walking the neighborhood with Emmanuel when we met Gideon, who, after learning of the one true Gospel, called on Jesus as his personal Saviour. As we were following up at the home of someone who visited the church, she invited us into the house, and soon, Gilda and her friend Rose prayed a humble prayer to God, asking Jesus to be their Saviour. These are just a few of the many recent salvation decisions since our last letter to you, and we look forward to many more as God continues building His church in Kamakis, Kenya!
Thank you for making it all possible through your prayers and support.
Your servants for lost souls across East Africa,
Andy & Connie Richey
- Emmanuel Speaking at the Church’s Two-Year Anniversary
- Sunday School Singing in Church
- Two-Year Anniversary Lighthouse Baptist Church
- Connie Visiting Children in Their Homes
- Lighthouse Baptist Church–God’s Church