Missions-Minded Students2021-01-07T13:09:09-06:00

Luncheon Dates

2021 Spring Semester

Dining Hall #1 at Hyles-Anderson College

January 19

February 16

March 16

April 13

Read the Latest Prayer Letters.

John Hays Prayer Letter: Pure Water for All!

December 1st, 2023|

I praise Jesus that He died for me! Jesus loves me, and He gave me a new life! He is still working around the world. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for opening the windows of Heaven. He gave us a new director for Pure Water, Bro. Dave Boyce. Daily, I offer praise for Christ’s goodness. When I tell yo [...]

Zach and Karin Foust Sr. Prayer Letter: Remembering the Blessings of the Past Year

December 1st, 2023|

We love this time of year as we look back and remember the blessings and opportunities that the Lord gave during the year. As we review the year 2023, we cannot help but see God’s hand working here in Peru. We are thrilled to have a part in the ministry here, and we are so grateful for each of you w [...]

Team Ghana Update: Six Days of Medical Clinics and Soul Winning

December 1st, 2023|

border_sizes_left="" border_sizes_right="" first="true"] Many of you prayed for our medical clinics, which were held October 23-28. We hosted Dr. Greg Waller and his team from “Truth for Today Medical Missions,” and they provided medical assistance in 6 different communities where we have church pla [...]

Rader Family Update: Exceeding ABUNDANTLY Above All That We Ask or Think!

November 30th, 2023|

I take pen in hand to give an update on the Rader family. At the beginning of this calendar year, God gave me some verses and a specific word from those verses. Ephesians 3:20-21 says, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that w [...]

Keith and Kelly Hamilton Prayer Letter: Fall Ministry Adventures

November 30th, 2023|

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our supporting churches! By the time this letter reaches you, we will have had a Christmas Cantata, which was done by the students and staff of The Baptist College International, which is located in Romania. It is scheduled for November 29, and we are put [...]

Xavier and Rebecca Lopez Prayer Letter: People Saved and Baptized and Lives Transformed for the Glory of God!

November 29th, 2023|

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support for our family and ministry. We are seeing God do great and mighty things through our church as we strive to reach more people with the Gospel! Your prayers are helping us to see people saved and baptized and lives transformed for the glory of God. Awh [...]

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