Fireworks, the size of which are better left to professional pyrotechnics, were being shot off on New Year’s Eve within sight of our meeting place! One of those fireworks landed on a wooden balcony before exploding and started a major house fire. While this clearly represented tragedy, it seems God is allowing 2025 to start out with a bang for us in ways that are positive.
Visa Updates
We have been informing our supporters that foreigners are being forced out of the country where we serve in record numbers. Everyone is being told that their residency visas will NOT be renewed, yet a key family in our congregation was just granted their visa renewal. On top of that, one of our team families just received a renewal. Another family that assists our team was forced to leave, but they have recently been given some indication that they might be granted a two-year medical visa when they return next month. My right-hand man and his family were forced to leave and are currently in the U.S. From the Consulate in the States, they were just granted a special visa, allowing their return in April. These reports are nothing short of miraculous. Please pray for my family, as our visa renewal comes up in about three months.
Ministry Updates
Our congregation has had many visitors who continue to come and show interest. One fairly new attender just began tithing. We have asked you many times to pray for B___’s salvation. His mother-in-law was led to Christ by one of our team members. Then I got to lead his son to Christ, and one of our ladies led his wife to Christ. But B___ has been conflicted. He has heard the Gospel but resisted. Recently, he gave his wife and son permission to be baptized. We have been witnessing to him and praying for him for years. On the first Sunday of 2025, he visited one of our preaching services for the first time and was visibly moved. Please intensify your prayers for him. During this first week of the new year, we also baptized a former Muslim man, who had been a professor of philosophy in an Islamic university. Pray for his continued growth. I am also teaching Bible-institute classes to two Persian friends every week. I believe God has great plans for their futures. A young man who attended our language classes about eight years ago just texted me saying that he and his girlfriend would be coming to our services next Sunday and that they are interested in becoming Christians. Thanks to your faithful support and prayers, this year is starting out with a bang.
Building Fund Update
One of the largest gifts yet was just given towards our Building Fund, yet tens of thousands of dollars are still needed. Please pray about what you could do in 2025. You can donate online at love4turkey.com, or send your gift to FBMI, marked #6580 Team Eurasia Building Fund.
Missionary #6501
Fireworks, the size of which are better left to professional pyrotechnics, were being shot off on New Year’s Eve within sight of our meeting place! On [...]
The two decades during which we served in Germany, we often took friends to see the famous Neuschwanstein Castle. Every visit, as we would climb the m [...]
The first time I ever visited the Muslim country in which I am now privileged to serve, we left its most prominent city of about fifteen million behin [...]