The year 2024 was a year filled with unexpected blessings. Last year at this time, we had no idea where our family would be living and didn’t know how the new meeting place for the church was going to work out. Our new apartment has been a welcome change, and we could not be happier with where the Lord has provided for us to live. We are getting to know the people who live around us. Another unexpected blessing is that our landlord is teaching the girls both piano and Italian.
The meeting location for our church at times has been more challenging than our previous location, but things are working out. These past few Sundays have been rather cold, and we may need to take a secondary heater, as I noticed I was rubbing my hands quite often during preaching because it was a bit cold.
We also had several wonderful visitors this past year. Bro. & Mrs. Bolton and the Crow family both visited our church and preached for us. Miss Amy Kielas came as well. Everyone was such an encouragement to our family personally, as well as to our church. On top of that, both of our parents were able to visit. Some of them haven’t seen Charlotte since she was born.
Our church has added several new people this year. While some others have been less consistent, it has been good for us to have some direct fruit from our efforts out evangelizing. Back in the spring, we met Jackeline and her husband Noe. Despite some of the challenges to their living situation, work, and the language barrier, Jackeline has been fairly faithful to church. Recently, we helped them move to a new apartment, and we are praying that Jackeline will be able to find work and receive documents permitting her to stay in Italy. Unfortunately, Noe’s job keeps him from attending most of the time, but he has been looking for something which would allow him to have Sundays off. Jackeline has invited a friend, Guilia, who has only been in Italy for a short time. Guilia has come several times now, and we look forward to getting to help both of them in their spiritual lives.
A little over a month ago, we had an unusually encouraging time out talking to people in Milan about the Gospel. We spoke at length with an Egyptian Muslim man about the Bible’s message of salvation. Our typical experience with Egyptian Muslims has not been profitable or at times cordial; but this man was very kind, and we were able to hold a good conversation. He mentioned that he thought he remembered speaking to us one other time. This time, he took the Gospel of John in Arabic and said he would read it. You never know the people you will have a second opportunity to witness to. Afterwards, a young man in our church was able to witness to several South Americans. Some of them promised to come, although they have not yet done so. Then we met a young Brazilian student. He said he belonged to a Baptist church in Brazil and would come to our church. He kept his word and did come and has come often. A couple of weeks ago, he invited a friend as well. We hope to keep growing while working through languages and distances to get to know the testimonies and disciple the people whom the Lord has brought to us.
Some have asked us for an updated family picture. Lord willing, we are making efforts to schedule an appointment, and by our next prayer letter, it should be available. Thank you so much for sacrificing for our family and for the efforts of preaching the Gospel to the lost and edifying the saints here in and around Milano Italy.
Missionaries to the people of Italy,
Christopher, Amy, William, AnnMarie, and Charlotte Yetzer
Normally we write about our soul-winning experiences, but this month we thought we would give you an update on our church. By the grace of God and the [...]
We apologize for being slightly behind in sending out this prayer letter. Moving our apartment has caused a series of other difficulties and time- con [...]
So much has happened over the last couple of months. We were notified by the landlord of the rooms we have rented for almost twelve years that our ch [...]