Jerry & Rachel Wyatt III2023-10-06T15:02:18-05:00
Jerry Wyatt III Family




Jerry III Birthday 12/14
Rachel Birthday 09/28
Jerry & Rachel Wedding Anniversary 07/06
David Birthday 11/05
Kate Birthday 06/13
Andrew Birthday 06/20
Lauren Birthday 08/19

Jerry was saved at a young age. He surrendered to preach at a tent meeting under the preaching of Tony Hutson. Jerry’s parents answered the call to missions in 1993 and arrived on the field of Tanzania in 1995. While in Africa, Jerry was always involved in the ministry by teaching out in the villages, public schools, Bible Clubs, and Sunday school. He also worked on the evangelistic puppet team that has seen hundreds of people saved. When Jerry was seventeen years old, he surrendered to go back to Tanzania. God’s calling was clear during a sermon at Pastors’ School. Soon after surrendering, he enrolled at Hyles-Anderson College and graduated in 2007. While attending college, he captained a bus route and taught a boys Sunday school class. He also worked at the college for two of the years he was enrolled.

Rachel was born and raised in a Baptist preacher’s home (Dr. Larry Brown). At the age of nine with the help of her mother, she received Christ. As a young person, Rachel surrendered to do whatever God wanted. In February of 2003, her father hired her as the full-time secretary of their church, Marion Avenue Baptist Church. She worked in this position until September of 2005, when she enrolled in college. Jerry and Rachel met at college and began dating. While dating, Rachel was able to visit Tanzania, and after a time of praying and seeking God’s will, she knew that the mission field is what God had in store for her.

Jerry and Rachel were married on July 6, 2007. On November 5, 2010, the Lord blessed them with a son, David Jerry Wyatt; and on June 13, 2012, they were blessed with a second child, Kate Dianne.

Jerry is currently the pastor of Faith Baptist Church Morogoro. He and his wife have served the Lord in this ministry since arriving on the field in 2009, and in 2012 Jerry became pastor. The Lord has truly blessed this ministry with the inception of an orphan home in 2013 and many other new ministries. Pray as God continues to work in this truly needy field of Tanzania.

We are Independent Baptist missionaries to Tanzania, East Africa. Jerry is the pastor of the Faith Baptist Church in Morogoro. Our ministries include church planting, Bible clubs, public school ministries, an orphanage, deaf ministry and evangelistic outreaches. We have been in Tanzania since January of 2009. Please join us in prayer as we do the work that the Lord has called us to do.

Marion Avenue Baptist Church
215 S Marion Ave
Washington, IA 52353


2610 Nutmeg Avenue, Washington, IA 52353
P.O. Box 1070, Morogoro, Tanzania
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #158.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Jerry and Rachel Wyatt III Prayer Letter: A Divine Appointment

Jerry and Rachel Wyatt III Prayer Letter: A Divine AppointmentSalvation Story

A father stopped by our church and was wondering if his son Joel could play soccer along with our church boys. Of course, I said, “Yes.” It was early Saturday morning and a few minutes until we started our boys’ character class, which I teach every week. When it was time to start, all the boys, along with Joel, came into class. This particular week, I was teaching the boys about being a Gospel witness. I went through the plan of salvation while explaining different details that they should remember. At the end, I had each of the boys partner up with each other to practice witnessing. When class was finished, Derik raised his hand and shared with us that Joel had trusted Christ “for real.” What an amazing divine appointment!


What a wonderful Teen Camp we had this year! With over 60 campers from our Swahili and English ministries, the spirit was excellent. Our theme was “Go Light Your World,” and we encouraged the teenagers to be a light in this dark world. Please pray that these teenagers will follow through with the many decisions that they made during camp.


Our Easter services started with the annual English Easter Service. This is always a special time for the English-speaking community in our city. The Swahili services followed. What a blessing to worship our risen Saviour together! We were blessed to see 7 baptized in the services as well.

Building Faith

Construction continues to move forward with Building Faith, Stage 2. We have just about finished the foundation. It is the rainy season here, so the building process has been slowed a bit, and it can be challenging to move forward. Please continue to pray that all will go smoothly.

Special Days

In April, we held “Elderly Sunday.” Elderly people are greatly respected here in Tanzania, and it was a blessing to see the building full, with extra chairs needing to be set out as people brought their parents and grandparents to be honored on this Sunday. Special gifts and honor were given to the 83 elderly who attended the services.

Upcoming Crusade

Please begin to help us pray for the annual Tanzanian Stadium Crusade here in Morogoro. Pray for people to attend, and pray that they would come with hearts ready to receive the Gospel. Pray for the groups from the States who will be coming to help us run the crusade. We can see the Devil fighting, but we know that, with the prayers of God’s people, God will receive great glory from this event.

Special Prayer Request

The time has come again for us to renew our visas allowing us to remain in the country. Please pray for this process, as it has been a challenge in the past. We are trusting that God will open the door for our visa to be renewed without issue, and we appreciate your prayers in this matter.

Your representatives to Tanzania,

Jerry & Rachel Wyatt

May 1st, 2024|Tags: , , |



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