Tim & Christa Simmons2023-10-06T13:51:29-05:00




Tim Birthday 12/19
Christa Birthday 07/08
Tim & Christa Wedding Anniversary 12/14
Ethan Birthday 10/17
Evan Birthday 08/08

Tim’s Testimony

I grew up in a Christian home, and my dad is a pastor. When I was three, my mom showed me how to go to Heaven, and I prayed to trust in Jesus for Heaven.  I can remember going out soul winning and inviting people to church on a weekly basis with my dad from a young age.

When I was 15, I went with my dad to a pastors’ conference. During a Wednesday evening service on March 22, 2006, I surrendered to go into full-time ministry. I surrendered to do whatever the Lord wanted me to do with my life. I wasn’t sure what it would be, but I decided to be yielded to whatever He wanted me to do. In the fall of that same year, the Christian school I went to was having a missions conference. The Holy Spirit got a hold of my heart at the conference, and I surrendered to go to the mission field.

I started at Hyles-Anderson College in the fall of 2010 and finished with a missions degree in 2014. In the first week of my sophomore year, Pastor Rick Finley came and preached a salvation message. I had been struggling with doubts about my salvation. That night I trusted in Christ and got the assurance of my salvation on September 1, 2011.

I met Christa the first week of college on a bus route. We dated throughout our college time, and in December of my senior year, we were married. Ethan was born the following October, and Evan Was born in August of 2016.

After getting counsel, I decided not to go right into deputation from college.  I did an internship at First Baptist Church with FBMI and Keith Cowling, which I completed in May of 2017. As I was nearing the completion of the internship, I started praying about where we should go as missionaries. The Lord directed my heart specifically to the need in Uruguay. After my family took a three-week trip there in the fall of 2017, the Lord’s leading was confirmed in our hearts.

Christa’s Testimony

I grew up in a Christian home. I am the third of seven children. I was the first child born after my parents accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. For that, I am named after their faith in Christ—Christa Faith. I was three when I first heard the Gospel. Honestly I don’t remember much except that when my father came home from work that day, I ran up to him and jumped in his arms saying, “Daddy! I got saved today!” I don’t remember praying or any of the other details, although my mom does, as she was there.

I do know I became a soul winner at the age of five, when my mom would take me out on the streets and hand out tracts and give the Gospel clearly to other people. My parents had our whole family become part of the Bus Ministry; my father faithfully drove the bus to pick kids up for church.

However, at the age of eleven, our lives changed drastically. My mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease with no cure. My mom was told that soon she wouldn’t be able to operate as a normal person and would most likely be put in a nursing home, as the demands of life would be too much to handle, especially with little kids in the house. My siblings and I no longer could be homeschooled, as every little thing could trigger an attack and leave her bedridden. We were put into a new school, where we had to learn a new way to live and act. As hard as that was, being put into a place where I wasn’t completely liked or accepted was harder still. It was a lot to put on the mind of a young eleven-year-old girl.

I also became a teacher for our Bus Ministry, as the teacher I was helping came down with cancer. Our program director on our bus left, and my father said it was now my job. At eleven, I was now in charge of the five-year-old department and a program director for our bus! Not only had my life changed in my family and my schooling, but now I was teaching and leading others! I remember crying at night after tough days and asking God if He really cared. I struggled with wondering if God really cared and if He was real, then why wasn’t He helping me?

I began to doubt everything I was taught. I wouldn’t say it out loud to anyone, as I was someone people were starting to see as a leader. It became something I would internally debate and question . . . until one Wednesday evening service. My pastor started preaching a Bible study on the parable of the ten virgins. Five were ready when the bridegroom came, and five were not. I don’t remember anything else during that sermon except that all of my doubts were suddenly exposed. I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit saying, “Are you ready? If Jesus came right now, would you be accepted?” As soon as the invitation time came, I went to my mother and told her I needed to be saved. Taking her Bible, she once again gave me the Gospel, and I settled my salvation!

I can’t say all of our problems disappeared. In fact, I was soon given even more responsibilities, and it was several years later before we could find out what actually triggered my mother’s MS attacks. I can’t say life was easy, but I can say I saw God work so many miracles. God became so very real to me personally. Ministry and church work became my desire. I knew God wanted me to give my life to serve Him. I knew He would one day send me away to another country as a missionary. Everything became focusing on how I could one day serve in a different field, a different country. It is something I have continued all these years later, and it’s my greatest honor to serve such a wonderful God!

Faith Baptist Church
8519 S. 13th St.
Oak Creek, WI 53154


(419) 370-8207
Tim Simmons
8519 S. 13th St.
Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #179


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Tim and Christa Simmons Prayer Letter: Church-Wide Soul Winning

Tim and Christa Simmons Prayer Letter: Church-Wide Soul WinningWe praise the Lord for the people He brought our way in the month of August!

Children’s Day

We planned a special day to celebrate Children’s Day. We made little gift bags with a small toy, a candy, a Chick tract, and an invitation to the special day. We passed those out in our neighborhood and also in a nearby park. Federico, who contacted us the week before that day, also helped us pass out invitations. We did a social media post inviting people to come as well. On that Sunday, 21 people came, including some children from our neighborhood. Christa was able to lead a boy to the Lord. Another blessing from the social media post and the invitations is that we have more contacts for people to follow up on. Praise the Lord for His blessings!

Soul Winning

We had two men reach out to us as a result of a social media invitation: Alvaro and Federico. They both came to church twice in August. I believe one of them is still not saved, and I am working to explain the Gospel to him clearly. One obstacle to their salvation is the issue of Hell. Please pray for Federico and Alvaro. We organized a Thursday night soul winning for the first time as a church. Normally, it’s just our family. Three men went with me. We mainly passed out tracts and invitations to our sermon series, although we were able to talk to several people. I met a young man named Michel who was saved in a Baptist church on the other side of our city. He said it was too far to go there now (most people use the bus). He goes to a Pentecostal church but is interested in coming to ours. Lord willing, we will have a weekly church-wide soul-winning time going forward. Please pray for these men to have a heart for the lost and for me as I work to teach them.

Christa did a free three-day healthy cooking class in August for immigrants to Uruguay. She was able to witness to several people, and at least one of them is interested in coming to church. Please pray for her as she works to build relationships.

Church Plant

We are preparing for the official launch of our church. We are working to finalize our decision on a building soon. There are several buildings we’ve visited. We would love to find a building with an option to buy in the future, if it’s the Lord’s will. If we can’t find the right place to rent, we do still have the option of using another church’s building. They only have an afternoon service on Sundays. Please pray for the Lord’s will. On the first Sunday of September, I cast a vision for our church and asked the people to commit to serving in some way. I had a good response from that. Please pray that we can develop a solid team as we work to launch the church.


  • Visitors
  • Open doors to present the Gospel!
  • First church-wide soul winning


  • Federico and Alvaro’s salvation
  • Find the right building to use
  • To make more contacts for our church
  • Souls to be saved
  • Our Spanish skills

Thank you for continuing to give and pray! We love you all so much.

Your missionaries to Uruguay,

Tim, Christa, Ethan, Evan, Emmalynn, and Elizabeth Simmons

September 6th, 2024|Tags: , , |



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