Tim and Missy Shook Prayer Letter: Family News
Soul-Winning & Salvation Stories
The young man Golf, who was mentioned in our last prayer letter, followed the Lord in baptism. Please continue to pray for his growth, as he fights many issues from his past. It’s a blessing to watch these young converts take big steps of faith and obedience.
We continue to canvass through our city in the areas south of our church. God has blessed as we go out each time with souls saved. We rejoice to have a few added to the church as well.
Family News
Our daughter Lauren graduated from high school on June 11. The Lord provided a beautiful place just down the street from our house to use for the ceremony. We were joined by our closest friends and co-laborers, many of whom have known Lauren since we first came to the field sixteen years ago when she was just two years old. God has knit our hearts to these dear friends! We are thankful for Lauren’s faith as she follows the Lord in her decision to attend Golden State Baptist College this fall.
Please pray for our family as we travel to the States to take her to college. This will be a difficult transition for Lauren and our family. Also, please pray for a good job for Lauren while she is in college. We truly appreciate your prayers!
Growth in Members
One of the main things I have preached and prayed for is that our church members would personally read and study God’s Word. Every year since 2019, we have shared a Bible-reading plan with the church, and many members have taken the challenge to read through the Bible.
One day a few weeks ago, while out working with two men on our staff, we decided to stop by and surprise-visit one of our faithful grandmas, who has been a member of our church for over eight years. When we parked the truck near her house, she was sitting outside at a table reading and writing. I called out to her, but she didn’t hear me. As we got closer to her place, she looked up and was excited to see us there. What we saw made my heart rejoice; she was sitting reading her Bible and making notes in a notebook about what she was reading. Ba Yuupa helps raise her little granddaughter Beam. She and Beam are precious people whom the Lord is growing through the power of His Word and a Godly church where they can learn more about Him every service.
Land-Development Update
God continues to bless as we move forward little by little with the building and land development. We are currently working on the installment of the electricity. After this, the two families will be able to move onto the land. These two families will be there to help with security and land maintenance during the development stages.
The next phase will be to build an educational, all-purpose building that will be used for the language school, Sunday school classes, offices, and church services until the main auditorium can be built. We are praying for the needed funds to start building the education building.
Thank you for laboring with us through your prayers and monthly giving. We pray for each of our supporting pastors, churches, and individual supporters regularly.
For Him,
Timothy, Melissa, Lauren, and Mark Shook
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