Phillip & Tanya Powless2023-10-06T13:27:17-05:00




Phillip Birthday 01/01
Tanya Birthday 09/26
Phillip & Tanya Wedding Anniversary 12/01
John Birthday 02/27
Luke Birthday 10/15
Jack Birthday 05/30
Savannah Birthday 09/05

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


(519) 451-3574
(519) 694-0099
Lighthouse Baptist Church
213 Edward Street
London, Ontario N6C 3J1
19 Glass Avenue
London, Ontario N5W 1Z4
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #26.


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Phil and Tanya Powless Prayer Letter: God Is Faithful!

Phil and Tanya Powless Prayer Letter:  God Is Faithful!We are all familiar with God’s promise in I Corinthians 10:13. Here the Scripture reads, “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” The end of April and beginning of May found us facing several heavy trials, but they also found us relying on and rejoicing in our FAITHFUL GOD!

Only three days apart, two of our very faithful, active, long-term, dear church members took their journeys to Heaven! In between the deaths of these two precious people, I had a sudden health concern that found me needing to go to the ER, where, while waiting on the doctor to come into the room, I took some issue which caused me to faint! When I came to, I found myself on my back on the floor looking up into the faces of 10-12 medics and helpers tending to me and asking me, “Can you hear me? Are you okay?” After numerous tests were run, my heart was checked, and other first concerns were ruled out, I joked with a couple of the nurses and said, “Well, now I know how to be tended to quicker in the ER!” I was released from hospital later that morning, and the only real issue that was determined was that I was developing pneumonia in my lung. By God’s grace, I have been better and am not experiencing any other health concerns at this time! Praise the Lord!

On the Saturday evening of April 27, Bro. Cecil went to Heaven. In the early morning hours of Monday, April 29, I had my hospital event. In the early morning hours of Wednesday, May 1, Sister Mildred went to Heaven. Then, on top of that, on Thursday morning, May 2, my wife’s cat of 18-plus years became utterly disoriented and sick and had to be put down later that day! It was a challenging time, but God was so true to His promises. He showed and continues to show us that HE IS FAITHFUL! Not only has God been faithful to our needs, but you also have been faithful to help us co-labour together for the cause of Christ here in London, Ontario, Canada! Thank you also for your faithfulness!

In spite of the trials, these have been busy and blessed months! In March, we took some men to a Man Up Conference in Simcoe, Ontario. In April, we took some to a Soul-Winning Rally in Toronto and then to a Youth Conference in Barrie, Ontario. This past Saturday, we took some of our folks to a Couples’ Conference in North York (Toronto), Ontario, where I preached for a dear pastor friend in their first Build Up Your Home Conference! We continue in outreach and soul-winning ministry and endeavours.

We held our first of 10 Super Saturday Soul-Winning Blitzes to be conducted over the next several months. My dear faithful wife continues to lead Ladies’ Soul Winning on Thursday evenings, where they regularly lead souls to Christ. Some men and I regularly go out street soul winning at that time also. Our Friday evening TEENS ALIVE outreach has gleaned souls saved in recent weeks! By God’s grace, we seek to be instant in season and out of season and are so thankful for each of you who pray for us, support us, and love us and the work of the ministry God has called us to here. Thank you!

So Much the More in 2024!

Phil & Tanya Powless Family
Galatians 6:9

June 3rd, 2024|Tags: , |



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