Teerapat & Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat2023-09-11T10:53:55-05:00




Teerepat Birthday 07/13
Tiffany Birthday 01/14
Teerepat & Tiffany Wedding Anniversary 04/15


I am a Thai national. My grandfather, who was an evangelist and preacher, taught me about Christ as I was growing up. When I was fourteen, I trusted Jesus as my Saviour and was baptized. Through a series of events, I finally answered God’s calling to serve Him full-time when I was 24 years old. Shortly after, I attended Gospel Baptist Bible Institute. After graduating, I continued working with Gospel Baptist Church under our missionary pastor Emmanuel Sinoy as the Thai children and youth pastor and driver. Currently we are making plans to branch out of Gospel Baptist Church to start a church for Thai people in one of the nearby villages that doesn’t have a church.


I grew up in a Christian family and always heard about Jesus and Bible stories. When I was four years old, I told my parents I wanted to get saved. That evening, my mom shared with me how to receive Jesus as my personal Saviour. The following day, I was baptized. While in high school, my church had an outreach ministry for Karen and Burmese refugees who started attending our church. I was a part of teaching them English and picking them up for church. God used this time to knit my heart with them and give me a desire to reach the Thai and Burmese people. I spent my last semester of Bible college with the Thai missionary team in Hua Hin, Thailand. While there, I visited the Sinoy family’s ministry in MaeSot. That is when I knew God wanted me to return and serve with them.  After graduating from Hyles-Anderson College in 2013, I began to raise support. In October 2014, I arrived in MaeSot, Tak, Thailand. I have been involved in the church’s children ministries – a Burmese migrant school, children’s home, and children’s Saturday and Sunday school as well as any other church programs going on. On April 15, 2017, my husband, who is on the staff at Gospel Baptist Church, and I were married.

We are serving in MaeSot on the border of Thailand and Myanmar reaching Buddhists and Muslims for Christs through soul winning, discipleship, English Bible Clubs, and church planting.

Rensselaer Open Bible Baptist Church
1615 3rd St.
Rensselaer, NY 12144


24 Rapple Dr.
Colonie, NY 12205
12/7 Soi Ruamraeng
Intarakiri Rd
MaeSot, Tak, Thailand 63110
Phone Number
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #178.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Teerapat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter: New Home and New Place of Ministry

Teerapat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter:  New Home and New Place of MinistryA lot has been happening these past two months as we’ve adjusted to our new home and place of ministry. Doors we thought were opening closed. Everything we thought we were going to do in our new location wasn’t working out. Little did we know that God was preparing for this future transition eight years ago before we were even married. At that time, Tiffany and I were serving with another missionary and had gone with the youth to a Youth Conference. There was another missionary there who had lost his visa in India, where he’d been previously serving, and was temporarily helping the host of the conference. We met each other briefly there but hadn’t been in contact since. Fast forward to now, we were reintroduced by a friend who had come to visit. After meeting with him, Pastor Abel invited us to come for a service and asked me to preach. Over the past month, we have been getting to know Pastor Abel, his family, and the people at his church and helping wherever we can. He has two churches a little over an hour apart from each other that he is pastoring. He had been praying for a Thai pastor to come and partner with him. At the same time, I’ve been praying and looking for someone to partner with in the ministry. Pastor Abel has invited us to serve with him. We are slowly finding our place and hope to be a blessing to the growing ministry here. On Saturday morning, they have a children’s program, and in the evening, there is a youth group. Right now, we are going to be helping a lot with the youth and Saturday activities and eventually help with the morning services in the church near us.

My niece came to spend a week with us. Before our move, our nephew (her brother) lived with us, and she spent a lot of time at our home. They moved at the same time we did to their mom’s house about an hour and a half away from us. We had a wonderful visit with Ing and got a recommendation of a church from Pastor Abel that our niece and nephew could attend near their new home. We drove Ing back home early the following Sunday morning to pick up her brother and take them both to the local church. Praise the Lord, my sister and her boyfriend came along too. This was the boyfriend’s first time ever going to church, and my sister hadn’t been in quite a while. They all attended church the next Sunday on their own. Please pray with us for the salvation of my sister’s boyfriend.

I have a personal praise and prayer request. Praise the Lord, my dental procedures are finally completed, and I received my teeth implants. Right after coming back from getting my implants in Maesot, I got food poisoning. I was really sick for about 2½ weeks. This affected my old ulcer and my immune system, causing me to be sick and weak off and on the entire month of May. Praise the Lord, it seems like I’m on the mend now and regaining my strength.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for us as we continue to transition and become a part of Door of Life Baptist Church and their outreaches. One of the churches is having their one-year anniversary at the end of June, and there will be a special Sunday. Please pray for salvations, visitors, and everyone who will be helping to serve on that day. Also, please keep praying for my health.

My wife and I celebrated our 7th anniversary in April. Thank you for all the emails, messages, and cards. Being remembered means a lot to us.

God bless,

Teerapat & Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat

June 24th, 2024|Tags: , |




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