Go Birthday 03/23
Danielle Birthday 02/26
Go & Danielle Wedding Anniversary 05/19

Go Oishi

Salvation and Service Testimony

Growing up in a home where no particular faith was practiced or encouraged, most of my childhood years were spent not having any concept of who God was. Through a series of events that took place in my junior high years, I had become bitter at any concept of religion and became an aggressive atheist. I remember very vividly mocking those around me who professed faith in anything supernatural. As a public school teen with no direction in life nor any sense of moral standards, my life was headed to waste very quickly.

One night, while chatting with a community of online gaming friends, one of them began trying to witness to me. After countless times of turning him away, I reluctantly agreed to let him share the Gospel with me, succumbing to his persistence and zeal. Since I had no concept of God at the time, this young man took me through the entire story from God creating the entire universe, to the fall of man, to Christ’s death on the cross for our redemption. Despite myself being known to refuse placing faith in anything supernatural, something supernatural took place in my heart that evening. My soul was overwhelmed when I heard of this loving God Who could save me from my sins. Not being able to deny the Truth that was presented to me, it was that night as a 13-year-old teenager that I trusted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

A year later, God had moved in the heart of my Karate instructor at the time to invite my family to a friend day at his church. Thankfully, it was a KJV, Independent, Fundamental Baptist church where I could grow in the faith. I was baptized there by immersion. Shortly after, I became an active member of their youth group. It was at my first summer teen camp that I surrendered my life to God. The second year, I surrendered to full-time ministry and to preach the Word of God for the rest of my life. That following fall in a missions conference, God gave me a specific, undeniable call to preach the Gospel in Japan when it was revealed to me that it was one of the least evangelized nations in the entire world. This call was confirmed by recommendation and counsel of my youth pastor and my late pastor.

I met my wife Danielle at Bible college. By the time I had met her, she already had a love for the Japanese culture and a heart for missions as God had already used her on the mission field in the Philippines while she was in high school. There is no doubt in my mind that she is fully persuaded that she is called to me, and thus is also called to be a missionary. There is neither any doubt in my mind that God has called my wife and I as a team to glorify God and to preach the Gospel in Japan for the rest of our lives.

Danielle Oishi

Salvation and Service Testimony

I have been blessed with a good, godly heritage and have had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home. At the age of 4, I attended a Vacation Bible School where I remember a lady teaching us verses. Although I don’t remember exactly what was said, that was when my family believed I got saved; but since I did not remember much of it, I struggled with doubt for the next 4 years.

I faithfully attended Wednesday night kids class at Faith Baptist Church, and it was there I accepted Christ as my Saviour and got the surety I needed. After hearing a story where a child won her friend to the Lord, we were asked if we knew for sure that we would go to Heaven one day. I raised my hand and they took me to the side. That night, as an 8-year-old child, I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my heart and take me to Heaven one day. I was baptized by immersion shortly after to show outwardly what had happened inwardly.

Growing up, I had always loved and looked forward to Missions Conferences at my church. I thought how amazing it would be to become a missionary, to go across the world and tell those who had never even heard the name of Jesus and about His love for them. I surrendered to go and to do whatever God had planned for my life as a teenager at youth conference. As for a calling to the mission field, I believe that happened when I agreed to marry my husband who was called to the mission field. My calling is to my husband, to love, encourage, and support him in whatever amazing thing God has called him to do. I am so blessed to be able to follow and support such a godly man.

Faith Baptist Church
21220 Walnut St.
Wildomar, CA 92595


Go Oishi
c/o FBMI
507 State Street
Hammond, IN 46320
Phone Number
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #207.


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  • Go and Danielle Oishi Prayer Letter: New Membership Class Begins!Hallelujah! We are now in a very exciting season of our church plant; four of our faithful, saved, and baptized adults are getting ready to become the legal charter members of our church! These adults specifically were local Christians who were already saved and baptized when they first came to our church but were looking and praying for a sound, soul-winning Baptist church where they could worship and serve actively, as our city had none before God led us to plant our church here. While it is our greatest desire to see the lost we are currently ministering to get saved and to see those who have been reached through our ministry get baptized and become members as well, we are thrilled to know that our church plant is a major answered prayer for the few Christians who were already in our once churchless city and that those same Christians are now growing, serving, and getting ready to become the founding core members of our church plant!

    Throughout this month, God allowed us to finalize the constitution draft of our church plant, comprising the church covenant, statement of faith, and bylaws, all in both Japanese and English to serve our multicultural congregation, and all which have been carefully developed through over a year of prayer, fasting, and counseling. As our prospective charter members complete our membership classes that will teach through these documents, all rich with Biblical principles and references, we are excited to see it signed and published as a church. February 2 was a very special Sunday, as we not only held our first membership class after our regular services, but we enjoyed our first church meal that was prepared by someone in our church plant other than my wife and me, one of those potential members who volunteered to serve in this way once every month! However, the greatest blessing of that day was that her daughter made the decision to follow in believer’s baptism during the invitation of that day’s worship service! We are looking forward to the first baptism at our church plant after my wife gives her a thorough explanation of her decision in Japanese, as well as our charter signing when all four of our prospective members complete their membership classes! What exciting days we are in!

    Bro. Ben Liu, the first visitor to our church who has been faithful since, also became the first to complete the membership classes, as well as the first man in our church whom I entrusted to lead a tennis fellowship activity on February 10 in the absence of my wife and me, as we were both ill on that day. It has been exciting to see both him and several others display significant growth in the areas of prayer, Bible reading, Bible memorization, faithfulness to worship and serve in the church, and being a personal witness to the lost. In addition to the core faithful soon-to-become members of our church, God has continued to give us a regular group of those who are newer in their Christian faith, some who have yet to be baptized, as well as those who are not yet saved. Our most recent addition is one of the young Japanese men whom I had the privilege of leading to Christ and discipling in our previous ministry as the interim pastor of the Immanuel Bible Baptist Church of Nayoro, Hokkaido. He had moved to Tokyo and had fallen away from church, but God has allowed me to continue ministering to him from a distance. Through a series of events that could only be orchestrated by the Lord, he ended up staying in our home for a week toward the end of the month, and during his stay, God gave him an opportunity to move to our city and find work here through Bro. Ben Liu! February 20 became one of our sweetest and most memorable midweek services, as we took extra time for the four of us to pray for one another, especially for this young man’s future and Christian growth. We are excited to see how God will glorify Himself in all of these opportunities!

    Danielle’s Journey

    It has been so exciting to see how God is working in our ministry and using what we have, just as we have prayed for. At the beginning of this month, one of our teenagers made a decision to get baptized. We are so excited, as it will be the first baptism to be held at our church here in Kisarazu! Though she has been busy with her school tests, I will be discipling her on baptism in the upcoming weeks. It has also been a blessing to see the ladies in our church step up to serve anywhere they can in areas like preparing the meal for the afternoon or helping to serve the food. It is so encouraging to see their desire to be used by the Lord in the church. We have also had a lot of guests in our house this month. It has been so exciting to see God answer our prayers and use our house as a place of refuge for those going through heartaches, those in the middle of big decisions, as well as those in need of rest. It has been fun preparing the room for each guest, just waiting to see how God will use it. It brings me so much joy to be able to be used in this way! Thank you for always taking the time to read our praise reports and pray for us and our ministry here. Your thoughts and prayers mean so much to us!

    Your friends and co-laborers to Japan,

    Go and Danielle Oishi

    Published On: March 24th, 2025Tags: , ,