Go & Danielle Oishi2023-10-06T09:07:58-05:00




 Go Birthday 03/23
Danielle Birthday 02/26
Go & Danielle Wedding Anniversary 05/19

Go Oishi

Salvation and Service Testimony

Growing up in a home where no particular faith was practiced or encouraged, most of my childhood years were spent not having any concept of who God was. Through a series of events that took place in my junior high years, I had become bitter at any concept of religion and became an aggressive atheist. I remember very vividly mocking those around me who professed faith in anything supernatural. As a public school teen with no direction in life nor any sense of moral standards, my life was headed to waste very quickly.

One night, while chatting with a community of online gaming friends, one of them began trying to witness to me. After countless times of turning him away, I reluctantly agreed to let him share the Gospel with me, succumbing to his persistence and zeal. Since I had no concept of God at the time, this young man took me through the entire story from God creating the entire universe, to the fall of man, to Christ’s death on the cross for our redemption. Despite myself being known to refuse placing faith in anything supernatural, something supernatural took place in my heart that evening. My soul was overwhelmed when I heard of this loving God Who could save me from my sins. Not being able to deny the Truth that was presented to me, it was that night as a 13-year-old teenager that I trusted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

A year later, God had moved in the heart of my Karate instructor at the time to invite my family to a friend day at his church. Thankfully, it was a KJV, Independent, Fundamental Baptist church where I could grow in the faith. I was baptized there by immersion. Shortly after, I became an active member of their youth group. It was at my first summer teen camp that I surrendered my life to God. The second year, I surrendered to full-time ministry and to preach the Word of God for the rest of my life. That following fall in a missions conference, God gave me a specific, undeniable call to preach the Gospel in Japan when it was revealed to me that it was one of the least evangelized nations in the entire world. This call was confirmed by recommendation and counsel of my youth pastor and my late pastor.

I met my wife Danielle at Bible college. By the time I had met her, she already had a love for the Japanese culture and a heart for missions as God had already used her on the mission field in the Philippines while she was in high school. There is no doubt in my mind that she is fully persuaded that she is called to me, and thus is also called to be a missionary. There is neither any doubt in my mind that God has called my wife and I as a team to glorify God and to preach the Gospel in Japan for the rest of our lives.

Danielle Oishi

Salvation and Service Testimony

I have been blessed with a good, godly heritage and have had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home. At the age of 4, I attended a Vacation Bible School where I remember a lady teaching us verses. Although I don’t remember exactly what was said, that was when my family believed I got saved; but since I did not remember much of it, I struggled with doubt for the next 4 years.

I faithfully attended Wednesday night kids class at Faith Baptist Church, and it was there I accepted Christ as my Saviour and got the surety I needed. After hearing a story where a child won her friend to the Lord, we were asked if we knew for sure that we would go to Heaven one day. I raised my hand and they took me to the side. That night, as an 8-year-old child, I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my heart and take me to Heaven one day. I was baptized by immersion shortly after to show outwardly what had happened inwardly.

Growing up, I had always loved and looked forward to Missions Conferences at my church. I thought how amazing it would be to become a missionary, to go across the world and tell those who had never even heard the name of Jesus and about His love for them. I surrendered to go and to do whatever God had planned for my life as a teenager at youth conference. As for a calling to the mission field, I believe that happened when I agreed to marry my husband who was called to the mission field. My calling is to my husband, to love, encourage, and support him in whatever amazing thing God has called him to do. I am so blessed to be able to follow and support such a godly man.

Faith Baptist Church
21220 Walnut St.
Wildomar, CA 92595


Go Oishi
c/o FBMI
507 State Street
Hammond, IN 46320
Phone Number
Email Address




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Go and Danielle Oishi Prayer Letter: Five Special Services and a Missions Trip for These Three Souls

Go and Danielle Oishi Prayer Letter: Five Special Services and a Missions Trip for These Three SoulsHallelujah! We have too much to cover, so we are diving right in! On July 1, we contacted the same elementary schools where we distributed Gospel tracts in front of the school gates as the students were being dismissed leading up to Christmastime. We praise God that these doors stayed open for us, and the school closest to our church auditorium was especially enthusiastic about giving us permission once again due to the testimony that God has allowed us to build with them! We did the school-gate outreach on July 10, and we praise God that, once again, the majority of the students, approximately 300, gladly received our tracts! Please pray that God would use this to help new families and children know Christ!

On July 15, we provided a Vacation Bible School program for the Boso Grace Baptist Church in the city of Oami-Shirasato, a church we have been helping, which is located an hour and a half away from our home. I was given the privilege of playing the cello, leading songs, and teaching the lesson, while my wife led the games and activities and also played the violin and piano. God brought three children to this program, as well as many of their family members and adult visitors who have yet to trust Christ. One of these adult visitors ended up trusting Christ later in the month at our church’s three-day evangelistic summer program, “Open Church,” while hosting 15 delegates who came on the FBMI Japan Missions Trip through our missions agency!

The FBMI Japan Missions Trip has been in the making since 2020. After a series of cancellations, God allowed us to host this group of 15 delegates four years later. However, to say that demonic forces fought hard against this trip would be an understatement, and now that we have seen the amount of impact that God has allowed this group to make, we can understand why. After a nearly missed flight, the first 11 delegates arrived on Wednesday, July 24. We praise God that we also had a first-time visitor brought by one of our regulars for our midweek service that night! The remainder of the group, whose initial flight was cancelled at the last minute, arrived at 4:00 a.m. on the following day. The “Open Church” program was held on the following three days, and we praise God that between the three services, which many of our church regulars attended, God gave us three first-time visitors. One of the adult visitors, who also came to the Vacation Bible School, ended up trusting Christ as her personal Saviour! In addition, one of the men who is not yet saved but who has been coming to our services regularly came to all three days of our program. On the last day, he had told me that, though he still was not placing his faith in Christ, his attitude towards the Gospel had changed and he was starting to seriously consider Christ! Please pray that he would trust Christ soon! The group transferred over to Osaka on Monday to serve at the Senri Newtown Baptist Church’s Summer Children’s Program, “Summer Bible Blast,” on Tuesday. God gave us over 80 children in attendance, with a majority of them being first-time visitors from non-Christian homes! My wife and I had the privilege of translating for the group, and we praise God that two children trusted Christ that day! On Wednesday, my wife and I returned to Kisarazu ahead of the group to hold our midweek service, and our visitor from last week returned! Over at the Senri Newtown Baptist Church, five of the trip delegates committed to surrendering as missionaries to Japan should God give them a clear call! Praise God, the Gospel still works!

Danielle’s Journey

Much of this month was spent preparing for the missions trip and the “Open Church” event that would take place at the end of this month. I designed, printed, and cut the flyers that we passed out in front of the elementary school. Most of the children were excited to receive the flyers, and some even remembered us from Christmas when we had given them flyers for the church’s Grand Opening! We then had the privilege of running a Vacation Bible School for the church about an hour and a half away. Three young children and their parents attended! I was able to fellowship with them after the event, and we really enjoyed our time there! Then, the missions trip began! It was my job to plan and delegate for any meal preparations during the trip, as well as take the group on mass transit and navigate the group, while Go took who he could in the car. During “Open Church,” I ran the reception table. It was so exciting to see visitors walk through the door and even more exciting to see one of them get saved! They all said that they hoped to return! The day after “Open Church,” we all boarded the train, the bus, and then the bullet train to Osaka to help with the “Summer Bible Blast”! There were many first-time visitors, as well as regulars, who attended! I had the privilege of helping in the three- to five-year-old class to translate where needed and help with the craft. It was so nice to see everyone again, and I was so happy that some of the children I worked with while training there still remembered me! Please pray with us that these events will have a lasting impact!

Your friends and co-laborers to Japan,

G0 & Danielle Oishi


August 22nd, 2024|Tags: , , |



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