Montana Birthday 04/17
Kellie Birthday 10/11
Montana & Kellie Wedding Anniversary 06/16
Landon Birthday 02/29

I grew up in a Christian home and went to the church my Grandfather pastored.

At the age of four, I started asking questions about what I was being taught in Sunday school.

My mother explained the Gospel to me and I asked Jesus into my heart on December 16th, 1999. I continued going to church and attended youth conferences and Pastor’s School at First Baptist Church of Hammond Indiana. At Pastor’s School 2009, Dr. David Gibbs preached on surrendering to Gods will regardless of where in the world and God spoke to my heart. After the service i went back to my hotel room and promised God i would give Him complete control over my life and would go wherever He showed me. The following year I attended the Our Time Youth conference at Marion Ave. Baptist Church in Washington Iowa. The church had a guest speaker named Jerry Wyatt the 3rd from Tanzania, Africa. During the message God spoke to my heart again and said, “there is where I want you to go and that’s who I want you to serve with”. Immediately after the message I talked to Bro. Wyatt what God laid upon my heart and we have continued towards that goal ever since.

My training for the mission field brought me to Hyles-Anderson College where I graduated from in 2016 and met my wife Kellie. After out wedding we took a survey trip to Tanzania and returned will even more excitement of what God will do with our life on the mission field.

Victory in Grace Baptist Church
1700 B Ave. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402


 (319) 360-4155
107 Partridge Ave
Marion, IA 52302
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #177.


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  • Montana and Kellie Morrow Prayer Letter: Uplifted HeartsThis holiday season was BUSY!! We started off November with a Fall Festival for our English Sunday School ministry. We had games, prizes, food, bounce houses, and a message brought by Pastor Jerry. It was a well-attended event with over 120 of our English-speaking students coming.

    Our English Sunday School ministry is doing very well! We are averaging over 100 during the school year. Mrs. Rachel’s and my classes are maxed to capacity. My teenagers are so looking forward to our new classroom being finished!

    Dr. Ray Young flew in for our college graduation. We had two staff men graduate this year. Bro. Young brought two Christian businessmen with him, and they held a one-night business seminar. Local businessmen and women showed up for this free event, people who would never attend a church service, and they listened well to the two men speak. The Gospel was given at the end of our seminar.

    For Thanksgiving, we got together with the Wyatts. We had a wonderful feast and time of thanksgiving.

    The church had two big events back to back the first two weeks in December. Bro. Mark Holmes and his family, along with Bro. Caleb Christiansen and his family, flew in from Nigeria to host the first ever Tanzanian SMITE Camp. This camp is geared towards teenagers in training, evangelizing, practicing, and teaching a Bible Club. There were over 30 campers in attendance for this weeklong training camp. It was intense, but our teenagers learned a lot and grew in knowledge! There were over 500 children who attended the different Bible Clubs, with 221 of them believing in Jesus for their salvation! We had a blast catching up with Caleb and Emily Christiansen! Landon enjoyed playing with their girls, Emma and Lydia.

    Our Bible Clubs have grown from 5 to 11! Kellie is still providing all the materials for the clubs using the Trueway Kids Swahili lessons. We have quite a library of lessons that we will be able to reuse once the clubs are finished with the New Testament.

    Our Christmas Program for our English Sunday School was held at the beginning of December. We have started hosting it earlier in December because the boarders at the International School leave early for their Christmas break. We bought and gave out over 150 presents! We had a record number in attendance! There were over 200 people who showed up for the program. Pastor Jerry was able to present the Gospel after the program.

    On Christmas morning, we met as a church family for a Christmas church service. Landon was very excited to come home and open his presents this year! We enjoyed a nice meal and relaxed for the rest of the day. Being away from home is always harder on the heart this time of year, but we are trying to make the holidays special here. Thank you to all of those who remembered us this holiday season with financial gifts! It was an unexpected blessing and uplifted our hearts.

    Your missionaries to Tanzania,

    Montana, Kellie, and Landon Morrow

    Published On: January 24th, 2025Tags: ,