Montana & Kellie Morrow2024-06-18T11:05:10-05:00




Montana Birthday 04/17
Kellie Birthday 10/11
Montana & Kellie Wedding Anniversary 06/16
Landon Birthday 02/29

I grew up in a Christian home and went to the church my Grandfather pastored.

At the age of four, I started asking questions about what I was being taught in Sunday school.

My mother explained the Gospel to me and I asked Jesus into my heart on December 16th, 1999. I continued going to church and attended youth conferences and Pastor’s School at First Baptist Church of Hammond Indiana. At Pastor’s School 2009, Dr. David Gibbs preached on surrendering to Gods will regardless of where in the world and God spoke to my heart. After the service i went back to my hotel room and promised God i would give Him complete control over my life and would go wherever He showed me. The following year I attended the Our Time Youth conference at Marion Ave. Baptist Church in Washington Iowa. The church had a guest speaker named Jerry Wyatt the 3rd from Tanzania, Africa. During the message God spoke to my heart again and said, “there is where I want you to go and that’s who I want you to serve with”. Immediately after the message I talked to Bro. Wyatt what God laid upon my heart and we have continued towards that goal ever since.

My training for the mission field brought me to Hyles-Anderson College where I graduated from in 2016 and met my wife Kellie. After out wedding we took a survey trip to Tanzania and returned will even more excitement of what God will do with our life on the mission field.

Victory in Grace Baptist Church
1700 B Ave. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402


 (319) 360-4155
107 Partridge Ave
Marion, IA 52302
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #177.


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Montana and Kellie Morrow Prayer Letter: Lots of Prayer Opportunities!

Montana and Kellie Morrow Prayer Letter: Lots of Prayer Opportunities!We have added more ministries to the church within the last couple of months. I started a Swahili piano class for a few of our members. We meet every Saturday after visitation. This has been a challenge for me language-wise, as some of the musical terminology doesn’t often translate into Swahili. Our song leader has started to play some congregational hymns during the services. Through teaching, I have learned that the Swahili translations of popular hymns don’t always follow the original timing. Translating English into Swahili is more of a thought-for-thought versus word-for-word process. My English piano students have finished their lessons for the summer. We held a piano recital for the families, and all 18 of my students did a great job playing their selected pieces.

Our Bible Clubs have grown from 5 to 7! One of the newer clubs meets in a village 45 minutes away. Reginald faithfully attends church every week, and God impressed upon his heart to start his own club. He had 45 children in attendance for his first Bible Club meeting! Kellie prints, cuts, and laminates all of the lessons each week for all 7 of the Bible Clubs. We held a 5-week-long competition for our Bible Clubs. Each club was scored using a point system, and the winning club’s prize was soda and meat kabobs. Tanzanians love meat of any kind!

The church hosted a women’s meeting the Friday before Mother’s Day. Kellie was in charge of planning the games. One of the games she wanted was a Plinko game. I made the game board for her, and it was a huge hit with the ladies! The ladies were playing for money, but they could lose it all if the ball landed on the wrong spot! It was exciting watching them play. As excited as they were to win some extra money, Heaven was even more excited about the 22 ladies who trusted Christ as their Saviour.

Kellie and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary on June 4. Landon stayed with the Wyatts for two nights while we took a trip to Dar es Salaam. It was nice to spend some quality time together.

Back in February, I started the Foundations of My Faith discipleship lessons with my teen class. At the end of each level, the teens who completed each quiz and memory verse got to select a prize from my prize box. After Level 3 was completed, Kellie tallied up every teen who had completed all of the quizzes and memory verses. Those who completed everything won an all-expenses-paid activity to Dar es Salaam. This activity will take place in August right before the international school resumes school. This will be the last activity for some of my teens, as several have graduated high school.

It is bittersweet seeing some of the teenagers I have taught for the last three years move away and go off to university. Some of these graduates were attending English Sunday School long before we moved to Tanzania. We may never see some of these young adults again. My prayer is that those who trusted Christ will continue their walk with God and find a good Bible-believing church to attend once they leave. Some of my teens come from multi-religious households and haven’t made the decision to trust Christ yet. I pray that they do. Please join me in praying for them!

We want to thank Cedar Grove Baptist Church in Mississippi for being our newest supporters!! Our support has remained steady throughout the years, with only one loss, and we do not take our supporters for granted!

Please be in prayer for our Tanzania Stadium Crusade that will take place on July 27. For the first time ever, a soccer team from the States will play against a national team here in Tanzania. The PCC Eagles will be flying in to play for the Crusade. We are busy preparing for this major event. We are expecting a huge turnout. Please pray for Pastor Wyatt as he prepares his message. Pray for open hearts and minds. Pray that the Gospel will be heard and that souls will be saved.

Your missionaries to Tanzania,

Montana, Kellie, and Landon Morrow

July 11th, 2024|Tags: , , |



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