Paul & Ling Awi Lung2023-11-17T13:48:02-06:00




Paul Birthday 06/05
Ling Awi Birthday 12/15
Paul & Ling Awi Wedding Anniversary 03/05
Thang Birthday 05/05
Boi Birthday 07/24
Lian Birthday 10/18
Jeff Birthday 10/03

Landmark Baptist Church
2020 E Hinson Ave.
Haines City, FL 33844


Calvary Baptist Church
GPO Box 453
Yangon, 011181
 GPO Box 453
Yangon, 011181
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #117.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Paul and Ling Awi Lung Prayer Letter: Blessings

Paul and Ling Awi Lung Prayer Letter: BlessingsGreetings to you all in the loving name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I hope this prayer letter finds you all in good health, as we mentioned you in our daily devotional to our Lord.

We do the same here by God’s grace and through your faithful support and prayers. The rainy season has already started here in the country, and farmers are keeping busy preparing for farming works. We will grow vegetables, along with other crops and rice. Having land is a big help for our children’s homes. Daily fresh food is good for the health. Farming is hard work, and the children learn how to work hard and plan for their lives so that they will not be lazy in their lives.

The children’s homes are functioning well. The kids are growing a lot and eating well. Due to the bad political situations in the country, our church-planting projects are not as I expected, but we try our best in the ways that we can. We use several tactics and strategies to reach out to our people. Surprisingly, Bro. Stephen of Akha Baptist Church, who has preaching for me for more than twenty years, is doing great works over there. He is located very close to the border of China. He reached out to the Akha people in the village, and more than 100 people gathered together, aiming to build another church over there. I enjoyed visiting him last week and meeting the Akha people in the Shan Province. It was good visiting them. They speak the Chinese and Akha languages.

In the other provinces of the countryside, the military regimes and the PDF are fighting. Killing, shooting, bombing, and burning villages are still ongoing. Many people on both sides have lost their lives. Many native people are fleeing and escaping to the borders of India, China, and Thailand. Life here in Burma is terrible, which we have never experienced in our lifetime. The Christian provinces of Kachin, Karen, Kayah, Chin, Sagaing, and Mon are experiencing the worst of it. We thank God that we are safe and can hold services on Sundays, although not on Wednesdays. We have more unity in our worship and prayer. As we are called to carry the Gospel of Christ, we will try more to reach our people for Christ and establish more local churches. Amen.

Prayer Requests

1. Pray for the changing of the political situation here. Pray that God removes the wicked king and replaces him with a good leader for the country.
2. Pray for my health and for my wife’s health, so that we can be of help to our people.
3. Pray for my furlough program. I need to raise money for two church buildings and for monthly payments for ten pastors.

May God bless you all richly as you love Him and serve Him in truth.

Yours sincerely,

Pastor Paul Lung & Family
Missionary in Myanmar

June 26th, 2024|Tags: , |



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