Larae Hoff2023-09-07T10:59:56-05:00
Larae Hoff




Birthday 6/30

I was born and raised in a Christian home. At age seven during Vacation Bible School, I asked Christ into my heart. When I turned thirteen, something happened to me which I blamed God for and started a path of rebellion. A few days later, I heard a message on a radio program saying that if you are not a Christian then you will go to Hell. That night I prayed “fire insurance prayers,” asking Christ to forgive me. However, I didn’t change physically or spiritually. I prayed those “fire insurance prayers” every night until my junior year of high school. At age sixteen, during a winter youth event, my pastor’s wife helped me get assurance of my salvation. I did a 180-degree turn and have never doubted since.

When I finished high school, I planned to work in the medical field. But when my pastor’s wife asked me to teach the 2-3 year old Sunday School class, it showed us both that I had a gift working with children. Through the years, I have been able to help with teaching Bible Clubs, counseling at Christian Camps, and working in various Church ministries.

When missionaries came to my church, I always enjoyed hearing their stories. Going on my first overseas mission trip in college made missions real to me, and it opened my heart with a desire to serve God full time overseas. Through the years God has opened and closed doors, allowing me many learning experiences in my Christian life. But the verses in Jeremiah 29:11 and Proverbs 16:9 have taught me that God’s plan and timing are perfect!

God has blessed me with the opportunity to serve with FBMI (Fundamental Baptist Missions International) in Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa and to help their team. My goal is to work with the village Churches and to help them start a children’s ministry. I am excited to see what God will do in and through me as I move forward to serve Him!

I would appreciate the opportunity to share with your congregation my goals, both short range and long range. I obviously am in need of financial support but even more than that I need to develop a prayer team that will support me on a regular basis. “Without Him, I can do nothing.” I need your prayers. Thank you for your time and consideration of my ministry.

Hermon Baptist Church
2496 Route# 2
Hermon, ME  04401
(207) 848-5749
Pastor Scott Taylor


Phone Number (207) 478-7794
Mailing Address 308 Chapman Road
Newburgh, ME 04444
FBMI Email
Alternate Email




You can financially support my ministry by giving here online, or you can mail support to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #6118.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Larae Hoff Prayer Letter: Thank You!

Larae Hoff Prayer Letter: Thank You!I want to say thank you—thank you to those of you who have taken the time to pray for my various prayer requests, and thank you to those of you who have given towards my travel expenses. I have begun purchasing the items needed for the move to Ghana, and the money has gone towards my set-up costs for the apartment.

I write this letter sitting at my parents’ house in Maine while watching the beauty of an American fall, watching the leaves changing. “For I am the LORD, I change not . . . .” (Malachi 3:6) It is such a blessing that we can serve the one true God Who does not change and Who hears us when we call out to Him.

I started June in New York. On Sunday mornings in Rochester and Tonawanda, I shared my presentation with their members and had the blessing of teaching in their Junior Church. On Father’s Day weekend, it was a blessing to have my dad go with me to visit churches; I had the opportunity to share my testimony in Londonderry, New Hampshire. It was great to go out soul winning with the ladies and to share my testimony in the service in Norwalk, Connecticut. That Sunday evening, I got to share my testimony in Milford, Massachusetts. I ended June in Buffalo, New York. I shared with their folks and the children in Junior Church about the ministry in Ghana. This church has a unique opportunity of having a Bible study that is aired on a public radio station, on which I was privileged to share my testimony.

In July, I continued in Syracuse, New York. On Sunday morning, I spoke with the adults and Junior Church about Ghana. In Ellsworth, Maine, I shared my presentation with the adults and children’s church. The next Sunday morning, I presented about Ghana with the children in Junior Church and the adults in Center Conway, New Hampshire. In Millerton, New York, I shared my presentation with their congregation. That evening in Canaan, New York, I got to share my video about Ghana. I ended July by sharing my testimony at prayer meeting in Seaford, Delaware after their soul-winning time.

At the beginning of August, I had the opportunity to go to a prayer meeting in Annapolis, Maryland, with my cousin and share my testimony. On Sunday morning, I shared my presentation in Washington, North Carolina. I had a first—I got to share my testimony and talk about being a missionary at their nursing home ministry. It was so lovely to hear many residents talk about missionaries they knew overseas. In New Bern, North Carolina, I had the privilege to go on a friend’s bus-route visitation and to meet more members in the evening. In Jay, Maine, I showed my video in the morning with their members. I had the privilege to help with Vacation Bible School at my home church; there were five children who made decisions to trust Christ. In Moscow, Maine, I shared my testimony with the folks in their morning service. I ended August with visiting and sharing my testimony with the members in Wiscasset, Maine.

Will you join me in praying for my visa process? While you are reading this, I am working on the first step of a three-step process. Please pray for the documents and the timing for them to be obtained and ready in time for my departure. As always, thank you to everyone who has been a prayer and financial partner. Please know that I am praying for you!


  • Travel expenses–Thanks!
  • VBS children got saved!


  • Remainder of the monthly finances
  • Visa

In Christ,

Larae Hoff

October 20th, 2024|Tags: , , |



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