The month of November found us planning and packing for our second furlough back to the U.S., as well as making sure everything was in place for our church while we were away. On November 25, we left Kenya for Detroit, Michigan, and we will be in the States until January 2, 2025.
During this month, it was exciting to watch Jeffrey, Hannah, and our teens continue to witness to one person after another after our church services. It was a blessing standing in the back of our little church building on the last Sunday of the month looking over the room full of people and realizing that our teens have taken the time over the last month to witness to everyone within the church. Due to their zeal to share the Gospel with everyone who comes to church, we have been blessed to see several adults, youth, and children come to Christ.
This month, we also were honored to award several people with their own Bibles with their names on them. We also witnessed one youth come forward for believer’s baptism.
Lastly, we had fun with our youth by taking them out for a day of bowling and pizza to celebrate all of their hard work from our soul-winning classes. We had a good time of fun and fellowship. Please continue to pray for the youth of our church as they serve the Lord.
Pray for Lighthouse Baptist Church of Acacia while we are away. We have two missionaries filling in for us while we are away during the month of December. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
Your co-laborers for lost souls across East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah, and Esther
Romans 10:14********************************************************************************************
This month, I had the blessing to witness to a very strong Seventh-Day Adventist person, who in turn received Christ and decided to join our church.
I also was able to witness to a family where a man had been holding a grudge with his brother for over seven years while the brother had been in jail. During all of this time, they have not seen each other. The man came to confess his sins and then he forgave his brother. He also promised to go visit his brother to seek forgiveness for the same.
This all came forth this month as a result of soul winning.
My name is Keyler. Before I came to Lighthouse Baptist Church, I was a lost girl. I didn’t know what I was doing at school. I bullied the other children. I didn’t respect my elders, including my mother. I didn’t know the Word of God.
I thank God because if it was not for God, I would not be where I am right now. God helped me through Pastor Brandon. My church friend, Cynthia, introduced me to Pastor Brandon. Pastor Brandon prayed with me and taught me so many things about God. He gave me a Bible during that time, and I started changing. I started to be a good girl. I don’t bully anyone. I respect my elders.
I thank God for bringing Pastor Brandon and his family because they have helped us with a lot of things. They helped the children who were going to school, including me. He helped us with backpacks and other school items. He has taught me so many fun games that I also teach my friends at school, and I also teach my friends Bible stories that Pastor Brandon has taught me. God has helped me through Pastor Brandon.
Now I am not the Keyler I used to be. I have changed, and it’s because I have chosen Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I also thank my mother for allowing me to join Lighthouse Baptist Church. Amen.
~ Keyler
- We had a layover in Turkey on our way home to the U.S.
- Lavender and Noline are witnessing to a group of children from the church.
- Lourine, Jentrix, and Isabella are singing in church!
- We enjoyed pizza with the teens after bowling!
- Hason is getting baptized!
- Missionary Peter Morris joined us for one of our Sunday services!
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