Brian & Liz Hebert2023-10-06T10:34:01-05:00




Brian Birthday 10/01
Elizabeth Birthday 10/23
Brian & Elizabeth Wedding Anniversary 07/28


The Lord saved me at the age of 15 as a result of the infamous 9/11 attacks.  I had been attending the St. Amant Baptist Church in St. Amant, Louisiana, as a bus kid since I was five years old.  I remember being talked to about salvation often as a child, but I don’t think I really understood it.  When I became a teenager, my understanding of the Gospel changed. I knew that I was a sinner and that I must trust Jesus alone for salvation; however, my pride, rebellion, and self-reliance made me confident that my sinful lifestyle was okay the way it was without becoming one of “the church people.”  Yet, when I heard that the Twin Towers had fallen to terrorists, I didn’t feel so invincible after all.  As a result of that tragic day, I neither slept nor ate well because of the deep fear in my heart that I might go to Hell. God definitely had my attention. I thought, What if I had died in one of those crashes?  On the next church service that came around, I fell under the conviction of the Holy Spirit for my sin and asked Jesus to be my personal Saviour.  He has forever changed my life.


I was privileged and blessed to be reared in a loving Christian home.  My parents made sure from the time I was a baby that I was at church three times a week. My kindergarten Sunday school teacher asked me in class if I knew for sure when I died if I would go to Heaven. I told her, “Yes, I would go to Heaven,” and I honestly thought I would because my parents took me to church three times a week and made me behave.  She told me I would not go to Heaven, because being good does not save you. I realized I was a sinner and could not go to Heaven on my own. That day after class, I bowed my head and asked Jesus to come into my heart.

Through much prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit’s leading, my wife and I have decided to join forces with veteran missionary Brian Johnston and his family in reaching the people of Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area.  Bro. Johnston has labored for ten years in the Toronto area to win souls, disciple believers, plant churches, and build a strong, pattern church, the Gospel Light Baptist Church.  Our plan is to join his team in planting, multiplying, and strengthening churches all around the Toronto area.

St. Amant Baptist Church
10414 Acy Rd.
St. Amant, LA 70774


6803 Johnson Mill Rd
Durham, NC 27712
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #171.


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Brian and Liz Hebert Prayer Letter: Going Forward by Grace

Brian and Liz Hebert Prayer Letter:  Going Forward by GraceThank you so much for your faithful support. You’ve been with us for a long time, and I cannot thank you enough. July and August are always a special couple of months for us because of our wedding anniversary (our 17th) in July and the anniversary of our arrival in Canada (our 6th) in August. We have much for which to thank the Lord.

One special event in July was the First Baptist Church of Hammond’s Youth Conference. As has been our custom since the COVID years, most of our teens who are unable to get visas into the States participated in a Youth Conference “Watch Party.” We usually do some sort of activity beforehand (this year it was laser tag), eat, and then watch the conference together. The focus of the final message we watched was on the will of God, and our teens were challenged to seek God’s will and submit to it. Since that meeting, two of the young men have started coming faithfully to our midweek Teen Impact Bible Study. I encouraged them to take the next step in their faith, and it seems that they took it to heart. We’ve seen growth in their desire to study the Bible too. In July and August, we challenged the teens to start doing devotions faithfully. Our focus was on steady growth instead of perfection, and they absolutely met that challenge. On the whole, the entire youth group stepped up and did better each week. By the end, many were reading their Bibles each day, answering questions, and writing down their thoughts about the passages. I’m greatly encouraged by this summer’s work. The challenge to continue doing their devotions is ongoing, so please pray that God would work in their hearts to take further steps toward His perfect will for their lives.

In July, I met a Chinese man named Byrd while soul winning. He was very interested in coming to church. Since that time, he and his family have come pretty faithfully, with only a couple of weeks missed. Byrd and I started meeting weekly to slowly go through an evangelistic Bible study called, “The God I Love Loves You,” which took us about a month to complete due to a slight language barrier and a need to carefully explain the Gospel story verse by verse. Praise God, Byrd got saved on August 6, 2024! Pray for us now as we continue to meet for discipleship, and also pray for his wife Zoey and their children—Henry, Helena, and Harvey— to be saved too!

My studies in Biblical counseling are going well, and the opportunities to serve God have grown as God has helped me to prepare. Please pray that God would fill me and use me to help others to the glory of God. Pray that my own relationship with God would grow in faith and love for Him.

Pray for labourers. We have an ever-increasing need for pastors as the pulpits of Canada are vacated by pastors who are aging out of the ability to pastor and communities without an adequate Gospel witness, which are growing by leaps and bounds, are in great need of someone to care for their souls. Pray for us as we seek to prepare the next generation. We need wisdom.

In Christ,

Brian Hebert


September 22nd, 2024|Tags: , , |



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