We have so much to thank Him for! I’d like to give you some updates on aforementioned works in our last letter. First, I’d like to thank you for praying and implore you not to stop praying for what I’m calling, the “Youth Bible Project.” Since I last wrote, I was able to give out almost 400 New Testaments near local high schools and area colleges in only a month and a half! I have found that as I’ve started going near high schools while the kids are going out for lunch, the teenagers are very willing to take Bibles to read for themselves. I usually approach them in one of two ways. Either I say, “Hey, have you ever read the Bible before?” or I say, “Would you like a free Bible?” I don’t get much time to talk to them further because they are headed for lunch, but our church information is in every New Testament. I believe it’s necessary to reseed this area with the Gospel and to treat the youth of Canada as their own mission field within this mission field. There is no concept of God in many of the students, as many of them admittedly have told me they’ve never read the Bible before. Perhaps this will take time before the seed sown brings a harvest, but it’s an investment I’m dedicated to making for the lost souls among the youth in the Greater Toronto Area. Of course, I’m giving New Testaments to anyone who’ll take them, but these past couple of months have borne out that the younger they are, the more curious they are about this “new” thing they’re looking at. Some of the adults who are already Christians thank me for being out there trying to evangelize, and they encourage me so much. Will you pray that I will have given out 600 more New Testaments by the time of our next letter? Unfortunately, there is no word yet on Baruch or Saroush, but will you please pray for them to respond to the Gospel?
The Christmas program, despite our trepidations, was a great success. As we prepped for the program, we made a serious push to invite a lot of people. Pastor Johnston organized a time for us to go to our local mall en masse and hand out flyers. It didn’t take long before we ran out of flyers and tracts. All in all, the teens did a great job with the program! It was well attended, and we remembered our lines . . . for the most part. When it was over, we all breathed a deep sigh of relief. I know that some raised their hands for salvation after Pastor Johnston preached the Gospel, but I don’t really know how many ended up responding. Regardless, we rejoice that our Saviour was glorified, and souls were reached.
Every year, Pastor encourages us to go away for a while to see family in the States. I realize this is a luxury among missionaries, so I don’t take it for granted. We had an excellent time visiting my family. One praise I’d like to share is the fact that I had almost my entire family come with us to hear me preach at Liberty Baptist Church of St. Amant. I again preached the Gospel clearly, so please pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to work on their hearts.
On January 31, we’re going to have another Youth Rally. Would you please pray for youth to be saved and serving Jesus as a result? May the Lord bless you in 2025 with all spiritual blessings in Christ.
Pressing toward the mark,
Brian and Liz Hebert
Late last week, we were very alarmed to hear that two of our faithful converts were arrested in Pakistan. Some of you might remember P___l and his da [...]
From the beginning of our ministry in Nigeria, our heartbeat has been to see churches started here in Nigeria. We praise the Lord that He has opened [...]
Two Souls Saved! Even though many of our people are still young Christians, we are trying to promote the importance of evangelism. I plan to do an ev [...]