John Hays2023-11-17T14:13:23-06:00




John Birthday 12/06

I grew up in church. I do not remember ever hearing the Gospel. It was in college that I was asked what the Cross of Jesus meant to me. I did not know.  I studied the Bible and realized He loved me and died for my sins. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour on September 21, 1974. I was baptized shortly after in the university swimming pool. I am now a member of and sent out of Marion Avenue Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Joseph Brown.

Farming was my god, but I followed Christ’s calling to enter public water treatment for three decades, starting in 1980 till 2010. He placed on my heart the need to invent and distribute a water-treatment system in 2004. I believe these Scriptures for my ministry:  Matthew 25:35 and John 4.  I serve Jesus in each thirsty person and witness to offer living water. I am in my second decade of this ministry. God has let me manufacture 5,000 systems and distribute them in 50 countries. In Sudan, Africa, for example, 1,200 villages were given both waters.  More information and testimonies can be found at Hays Pure Water.

I began working in the ministry in 2005 and have seen many in 50 countries in 5,000 villages saved, grow in Christ, and become fruitful soul winners. My burden is to reach more around the world with both drinking and living water and to train them to become effective and fruitful soul winners. I have developed and manufacture a water machine that perfectly treats water for up to 5,000 people for several decades.

My desire is to work with the missionaries of Fundamental Baptist Missions International and assist them in planting churches. I want to see people saved and then train them to become soul winners. In addition, I have a strong burden to reach their entire village for Christ. This will be most effective through the water ministry-serving missionaries.

This will take much labor and sacrifice. I am ready to reach more of the world. I invite you to pray and consider partnering with me in this effort through your prayers and finances. Please contact me if you would allow me to share my burden and calling with you and your church.

If I can serve you in any way, please allow me to do so.

In 2006, after traveling around developing nations on missions trips, John Hays was burdened to create a low cost, portable solution for water purification. After reading the historical account of Elisha cleansing the water of Jericho in II Kings 2, John put his 30+ years of experience with municipal water works to use and developed the Khlor Gen system.

Through the years, the design and look has been changed and improved, but the mission has stayed the same. Provide people with clean water, reaching out to them through word and deed. Eight years and 4,000 units later, that mission continues full steam ahead.

Learn more here:

Marion Avenue Baptist Church
215 S Marion Ave
Washington, IA 52353


403 W Main St, Washington, IA 52353
Email Address




You can financially support my ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #175.


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John Hays Prayer Letter: Liberty to Preach

John Hays Prayer Letter:  Liberty to Preach“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (II Corinthians 3:17)

God is giving LIBERTY to preach the Gospel and give clean water—liberty to reach deep inside Pakistan. The Lord gave liberty to work during June and July 2024. Twenty villages were reached in Pakistan. We saw 170 accept Christ and 15 get baptized, and 4 churches were started. Below are some pictures from our water-purification demonstrations and services in Pakistan.

Other countries that are receiving both waters are Kenya, DRC Congo, Liberia, Uganda, Peru, and Laos. A total of 400 Khlor Gen 3000 systems went into that many villages. That is liberty to preach the Gospel of our precious Lord Jesus Christ to 6 villages a day from July 1 to September 1, 2024.

In the Ivory Coast, Africa, a new church was started two years ago from this water ministry. Pastor Albert says several men had health issues recovered. The church has LIBERTY to reach deep inside a lost nation and shine the love of Jesus.

We are attending an international Pastors’ Conference in Peru, which is being hosted by Zach Foust Sr. Pastor Andy Gomez from the First Baptist Church of Hammond (pictured on the right) is one of the speakers. There are 450 pastors in attendance. We will distribute 100 complete water systems while we are here; one of them will be to a Mexican pastor who is a missionary in Cuba.

Pray for the perfect will of God to be fulfilled. The harvest is white now. Pray that God would send laborers. Prayers give liberty where there is none.

Humble to be His water boy,

John Hays

September 3rd, 2024|Tags: , |



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