Keith & Kelly Hamilton2023-10-06T10:15:38-05:00




Keith Birthday 02/21
Kelly Birthday 06/05
Keith & Kelly Wedding Anniversary 07/27
Keith II Birthday 01/21
Keenan Birthday 08/06
Kendrick Birthday 09/27

Gospel Baptist Church
52 Concord St.
Manchester, NH 03101


(603) 361-5354
Fanningstown Crecora Co. Limerick Ireland
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #108.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Keith and Kelly Hamilton Prayer Letter: New Visitors, Opportunities, and New Tools

Keith and Kelly Hamilton Prayer Letter: New Visitors, Opportunities, and New ToolsI am so thankful for the Lord’s blessings and provision for our family and ministry. As I have been teaching verse by verse on the book of Revelation, it makes me yearn for that day when we will see Christ at the Rapture and suddenly be changed. Then as the world goes through turmoil, we will be in the presence of Christ and will return with Him at the end of the seven years. As I see all that is happening in the world, I know that it could be any moment when there is a shout and the trump of God; then the dead in Christ will rise, and in the twinkling of an eye, we will meet them in the air. Amen.


Unlike many summers in Ireland, this one was particularly cold and rainy. We would have enjoyed a bit of global warming during the season, but that was not what the Lord had for us this year. On the 4th of July, Kelly and the boys headed to meet the other missionary families to celebrate. I stayed behind so I could fill in at a new church in a town called Ennis. In church, we ended up having four first-time visitors, and they all left with a church visitor’s packet consisting of a mug, tea, chocolate, tract, and the Done book. Our eldest son Keith II had the opportunity to travel by train to a town called Drogheda to help another church with their Holiday Bible Club. It was a tremendous blessing to him and to the missionaries to have his help. Soon after Keith left, Kelly flew to the USA for three weeks to see her mom in Virginia and my family in Florida. I suddenly had the responsibility of 5 beehives, over 100 chickens, 3 sheep, 4 fish, and a cat to manage, in addition to the cooking, cleaning, church duties, etc.; but the Lord saw me through. Keith II arrived home from the Holiday Bible Club three days after Kelly departed, and we shared some of the work. Kelly and I also celebrated our anniversary just before she left at a nice restaurant in a castle nearby.


August began with a honey harvest, where we got 45 pounds of honey. Last year, we got no honey at all, so this was a tremendous blessing to us. Kendrick has been my faithful helper all along, so since he was in the USA, I saved him 7 pounds of honey just for him, and he was delighted when he returned and found it in his room. Everything was busy as can be, and Kelly ended up having to stay another week to get emergency root canals done on her teeth. Keenan even got to have a dentist appointment on his birthday. The church had its annual business meeting, and without paying rent, we are doing well financially. We just need to find a larger venue in the city. Please pray that my time would be free to pursue this and that He would lead us to the right sized building, in the right location, and at the right price. When Kelly returned, she was only home for a couple of days when we had scheduled to attend a Bible Counselling Conference that one of the missionaries was holding at their church. Our entire family attended, and it was a great blessing and help to me personally and to our family with issues we have struggled with over the years, as well as issues I have seen others struggle with as well and didn’t know exactly how to help them. I now have some new Biblical tools to help, and I am so thankful that the Lord has gifted men for the edification of believers.

Soul Winning

We use many ways to get the Gospel out, including preaching, live-streaming every service on three social media platforms, four websites, social media adverts, etc., as well as going out on Saturdays. In one particular shipment of Beams Bibles, a church tossed in Bro. Dennis Coral’s illustrated soul- winning book. One Sunday after eating lunch, I sat down with a six-year-old lad who has been coming to church for a while, and we read through the book together. He is new to the Gospel and didn’t seem to understand it fully yet, but prayerfully, he will trust the Lord as his Saviour soon.

Please pray for these needs:

1. Co-laborers in Limerick
2. Protection over the ministry
3. More visitors on the countryside
4. Guidance and wisdom

Last, I want to thank everyone who sent encouraging emails, letters, birthday cards for Keenan’s birthday in August, as well as gifts and offerings, and for your faithful prayers and support.

For the souls in Ireland,

Keith Hamilton

October 2nd, 2024|Tags: , |



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