Arturo & Ismerai Garza2024-09-25T16:00:10-05:00




Arturo 7/18
Ismerai 6/17
Anniversary 11/23


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Arturo and Ismerai Garza Prayer Letter: Moving Forward

Arturo and Ismerai Garza Prayer Letter: Moving ForwardBy the grace of God, we are well and experiencing the great privilege of serving the King of kings and Lord of lords, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We continue forward by His mercy and are grateful that you have remained faithful in supporting God’s work, missions. We appreciate you and do not take lightly the sacrifice you make to hold the ropes together with us, so that we can reach many people and bring them the Gospel.


Thank God, our church continues to move forward. There are families who have remained faithful to the Lord over time and others who have recently joined us. We keep moving forward, knocking on doors, and sharing the Gospel every week, along with a group of brothers, sisters, young people, and children who accompany us to the streets to talk about Christ. One of our goals is always to distribute Biblical literature (tracts and New Testaments) in every home in those communities we visit every week. We want there to be at least something of the Word of God in every home around us. Glory to God, every week there are people accepting Christ as their Saviour, and this is also fruit that is added to your account because you have a part in our labor. I rejoice that we can collaborate in the same work even though we are in different places.


This month, we have focused on winning souls and continuing to disciple new converts. Please help us pray for those who are saved, so they can draw closer to God and join the church. It is our desire that they grow. We have also started planning our upcoming Family Conference in October. We want God to work in every family and for it to be edifying to the church. We ask for your prayers for provision for the expenses we will incur during the conference and that we will see decisions made for God.


My wife and I took a trip to the United States for a few days to take care of some matters related to our missions agency. Thank God, we were able to do what we needed to get done. The Lord opened the door for us to visit four pastors/churches in different places during this short time: Pastor Landa, Pastor Reese, Pastor Arroyo, and Pastor Buhrow. God blessed us greatly by visiting these precious churches that love and support missions. They were a great encouragement and blessing to us, and we rejoiced in being able to share our work in Durango with them.

During those days, my wife and I had the opportunity to share the Gospel in public places, on the streets, and by knocking on doors. By the grace of God, we saw some people saved, including Luis Rodriguez and José Altue, two Venezuelans who had just arrived in the United States. One day, I went to work with a brother painting a house, and upon arriving, I found these two men working there. At the first opportunity I had, I took out my pocket New Testament and testified to them. Glory to God, they believed in Jesus as their Saviour. One of them called his family in Venezuela and told them what he had heard about God. It was a joy for us to win people for Christ in another country as well! Glory to God for that. We do not know what God can do with them and their families in Venezuela. Let us pray for all these people who are emigrating to both Mexico and the United States; pray that they may get to places where they can be reached with the Gospel.

We continue with much work here in Durango for the coming months. Please keep praying for us and for the work in this place. Thank you for keeping up with what is happening with us and our ministry here in Mexico. Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Receive our greetings.

Prayer Request

We are in need of a large van for our ministry. We ask for your prayers that God will provide for us to buy one or that He will place it in the heart of a ministry to donate one to us. Currently, we are praying to raise US$9,000. Over the next few months, whether we have to buy a van or if one is donated to us, we need to raise US$5,000. For us, this is a significant amount of money, but we believe that God can provide for this need because it is His work. We want to be able to bring more people to church. If the Lord places it in your heart to donate towards this need, please let us know.

God bless you,

Arturo & Ismerai Garza

September 28th, 2024|Tags: , |



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