Matt 07/18
Katie Belle 05/04
Anniversary 12/31

Bailey’s Grove Baptist Church
1556 N Fayetteville St.
Asheboro, NC 27203




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #6412.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


  • Matt and Katie Belle Bosje Prayer Letter: Our Departure Is at HandWell, it’s almost time! We are now just a few weeks away from leaving for Thailand. We are so excited and ready to be there! Our plane tickets are booked for March 25. We’ll be flying from Chicago to Hong Kong and then from Hong Kong to Bangkok. The total trip is a little over 20 hours! Please pray for safety and traveling mercies for this special trip.

    This has been an eventful month. We had two final Missions Conferences. One was at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Theodore, Alabama, and the other was at Granite Baptist Church in Glen Burnie, Maryland. We rented a moving truck and made a trip from North Carolina to Merrillville, Indiana, stopping in Lexington, Kentucky, on the way. At each of these stops, we packed and loaded boxes full of our belongings onto the truck. On our way to Maryland, we stopped at a depot in New Jersey and loaded the boxes into a huge crate that we will be shipping to Thailand.

    We said our final goodbyes to our wonderful church family at Bailey’s Grove Baptist Church. We are blessed to have such a supportive sending church. They have loved and prayed for us since day one of deputation, and we couldn’t ask for a more incredible group of people rooting for us back home. We are especially grateful for our pastor, Jon Shook, who has loved and helped our family all along the way.

    It’s been a joy to spend some time with my wife’s brother-in-law and sister, James and Abby Baxter, this month. The Baxters are missionaries to South Sudan and are back in the States on furlough. They have served in Uganda for the last five years, reaching refugees from South Sudan, but will be heading to South Sudan itself in July. We consider them our heroes. God is using them in a part of the world where there are not many of the “comforts of home,” but they remain faithful. James and I had the privilege to go soul winning together one Saturday. James got to share the Gospel with a family from Rwanda, and I got to share the Gospel with a Hispanic mom and her seventeen-year-old daughter. Joanna and Delmy both sweetly received Christ as their Saviour.

    Thank you so much for your love and prayers!

    May God bless each one of you.

    Matt Bosje

    Mikey’s Moment

    While staying with my parents for a couple of days, we walked out one morning to find Mikey wearing Papa’s shoes—those are some big shoes to fill!