Israel & Tonya Alvarez2024-04-09T13:44:09-05:00
Alvarez Family




Israel Birthday 12/25
Tonya Birthday 08/05
Israel & Tonya Wedding Anniversary 06/23
Alyssa Birthday 05/09
Analea Birthday 10/31
Isabella Birthday 12/16
Timothy Birthday 11/07

Faith Baptist Church
21220 Walnut Street
Wildomar, CA 92595


Phone Number
Mailing Address
1843 1/2 East 69th Street Los Angeles, CA 90001
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #151.


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Israel and Tonya Alvarez Prayer Letter: Summer Is Winding Down

Israel and Tonya Alvarez Prayer Letter: Summer Is Winding DownHello from Belize! As summer is winding down, we are looking forward to school starting and the return of routine. Our summer has had quite a few challenges. We dealt with quite a few health problems, including an outbreak of chicken pox among the church children. It started in the nursery and swept through the youth department as well. We suppose it was better to have the outbreak over the summer so the children didn’t have to miss school. Tonya and Isabella were sick in June, as mentioned in the last letter. Praise the Lord, both of them seem to be doing much better.

The summer also brought us many visitors. We want to thank Pastor Charlie Clark and Cornerstone Baptist Church for bringing a group in July. During their visit, we were able to go to four villages to hold evening evangelistic services. Many people trusted Christ. It was a blessing to see the Lord work! I told you in the last letter about San Esteban Village. We did have a service there one night, and 115 people showed up! Amazing! We have been visiting and keeping up with several of the prospects who turned in visitor cards. Please pray that these people would continue to come when we start a mission there.

In July, we held our Fires of Evangelism Conference. There were five guest pastors speaking and teaching. One of our faithful men was called into full-time Christian service. He grew up in our youth department. After being away from the Lord for a few years, he returned to church a few years ago. We are thrilled to see how God would use this man and his beautiful family to serve Him.

In August, we had some college students from Hyles-Anderson College visit to help us with Vacation Bible School. The Lord gave a great turnout, with over 100 kids attending and hearing about Christ. During the week, we also had several new teenagers come, many of whom trusted Christ. Pray that these teens would keep coming and growing in the Lord. Youth Camp was also in August. We do our Youth Camp with other like-minded churches. This year, there were 90 teens. One of our newer girls was saved at camp and got baptized the Sunday after camp. Pray for her to continue to grow in her faith.

In some exciting news, we will be enrolling some members in an online Bible institute. We have 10 signed up to take classes twice a week for a three-year program. Please continue to pray that this would greatly help the students study and understand the Bible and Bible doctrines.

Our school lunch program starts up in September after the summer break. If there is one thing to pray for, pray for volunteers in the kitchen. If we do not have volunteers, we may not be able to continue the program. Making lunch for 50 kids a day requires volunteers.
Lastly, we want to thank the Foundations Class in Hammond, Indiana, for sending us a drum full of school supplies to give to school kids. This class was also very generous in donating money for our conference in July. The love and support shown to our ministry is definitely an encouragement.

We are so thankful for your investment and love for our family and the country of Belize. May our God bless you all.

In Christ,

Israel Alvarez

August 30th, 2024|Tags: , , |



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