Mike A. (#6506)

Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: God Is Faithful to Provide

2020-06-02T11:57:33-05:00June 5th, 2020|Categories: Mike A. Family (#6506), Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Praise the Lord for His abundant provisions! A tidal wave of lockdowns followed right behind us as we passed through state borders, just in the nick of time, from Louisiana to Texas. Borders became closed not long after we passed through th [...]

Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: Lifting High the Name of Jesus!

2020-04-06T15:33:30-05:00April 7th, 2020|Categories: Mike A. Family (#6506), Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you for your prayers! We have four more supporting churches since our last letter! In the past couple months, many have heard the Gospel, and some were saved! Although going door to door is on “pause,” we have been holding up Scriptur [...]

Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: We Have Reached the 50% Mark in Our Support!

2020-02-08T19:29:08-06:00February 9th, 2020|Categories: Mike A. Family (#6506), Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Praise the Lord! I have been praying that the Lord would provide over half of our support by the end of 2019, and He did! After two years on deputation and traveling all over this country, I can affirm that God truly blesses those who give [...]

Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: Much to Be Thankful For!

2019-12-04T18:31:26-06:00December 5th, 2019|Categories: Mike A. Family (#6506), Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

There is much to be thankful for these past couple of months. I praise God for the souls that were saved and for the many who heard the Gospel for the first time! I praise God for the safety and the durability of our van! We traveled over 6 [...]

Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: We Serve an Amazing God!

2019-10-04T10:38:16-05:00October 5th, 2019|Categories: Mike A. Family (#6506), Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We serve an amazing God! There is no greater privilege than trusting and proving the faithfulness of God at His Word! Why are we so slow to trust Him!? The past couple months have been filled with an abundance of God’s blessings! To start o [...]

Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: A Season of Prayer

2019-08-05T15:29:03-05:00August 7th, 2019|Categories: Mike A. Family (#6506), Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

These past couple months have been filled with high expectations, an abundance of trials, and unexpected blessings. By the end of June, our family was excited to finally have a home base for the next couple of months. I planned a schedule t [...]

Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: The Mission Field of America

2019-06-11T20:57:19-05:00June 13th, 2019|Categories: Mike A. Family (#6506), Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

The last couple of months have been filled with a lot of traveling. From St. Louis to Little Rock, Texas to New Mexico, Arizona to Southern California, and now in Northern California, we are looking forward to a couple of months in one spot [...]

Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: Survey Trip

2019-04-06T22:26:36-05:00April 7th, 2019|Categories: Mike A. Family (#6506), Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We just returned home from more than two weeks trip in the country to which God has called us to serve. My wife and daughter were able to go for their first time. For those who prayed during our traveling, thank you! God answered your praye [...]

Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: Oh Ye of Little Faith

2019-02-03T16:30:00-06:00February 2nd, 2019|Categories: Mike A. Family (#6506), Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

There are no accidents! I am amazed how God orchestrates His will in my life. From my perspective, I see that my best efforts seem to make a mess of things and my strongest attempts to obey His will are often followed by my weakest attempts [...]

Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: Pondering the Blessings of the Last Two Months

2018-12-03T17:23:58-06:00December 5th, 2018|Categories: Mike A. Family (#6506), Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We have much to be thankful for! While enjoying our Thanksgiving season and reflecting on the blessings of this year, I find myself overwhelmed with how much God has blessed our family. One of the many blessings I want to highlight is the l [...]

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