Juan Vallejo Family

Juan and Amy Vallejo Prayer Letter: Your Participation in Our Ministry Is Vital!

2021-09-03T09:41:26-05:00September 3rd, 2021|Categories: Juan Vallejo Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you! Your participation in this ministry is vital! Your prayers and giving truly make a difference. Thank you for praying for our health and for God`s provision for the needs. We thank the Lord for the many souls saved the past few mo [...]

Juan and Amy Vallejo Prayer Letter: He Is Faithful and True!

2021-06-14T19:44:56-05:00June 16th, 2021|Categories: Juan Vallejo Family|Tags: , |

A New Year! In January and February of 2021, God did great things! There was a real spirit of revival during our Watchnight Service. Even after midnight, the church was attentive and responsive to the preaching. As a church, we prayed in th [...]

Juan Vallejo Prayer Letter: Blessed to Serve Our Saviour in 2020!

2021-01-21T19:47:45-06:00December 26th, 2020|Categories: Juan Vallejo Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

We appreciate your prayers, giving, and consideration, as writing this letter has been a challenge with all the work going on in Sao Paulo and Cotia, Brazil. Please keep Amy in your prayers, as the doctor had planned for an emergency hyster [...]

Juan Vallejo Prayer Letter: In Uncertain Times, We Can Be Certain He Loves Us!

2020-08-18T12:17:21-05:00August 23rd, 2020|Categories: Juan Vallejo Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you again for praying for the ministry here in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We appreciate your prayers and financial support. We have been faithfully out soul winning as a church each week, and we thank the Lord for at least 30 Brazilians who t [...]

Juan Vallejo Prayer Letter: Continuing to Reach the Lost of Brazil

2020-05-25T14:06:03-05:00May 30th, 2020|Categories: Juan Vallejo Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you for your continued support for the ministries in Sao Paulo and Cotia, Brazil. In January, a day after Esther’s 17th birthday, she led a teenage girl named Beatrice to the Lord in the morning service. Beatrice has been faithful eve [...]

Juan Vallejo Prayer Letter: Thanking the Lord for His Goodness to Us All

2020-02-01T14:58:47-06:00February 3rd, 2020|Categories: Juan Vallejo Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you for your part in this ministry. We appreciate your prayers for our family. In November, we celebrated Thanksgiving in both churches, and some like to treat it as a formal event. We take time to thank the Lord for His goodness to a [...]

Juan Vallejo Prayer Letter: Souls Saved

2019-12-20T20:28:41-06:00December 23rd, 2019|Categories: Juan Vallejo Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. We appreciate all that you have done. Thank you for encouraging us as we stand strong, preaching the truth of the Gospel! We covet your prayers for strength and health, as we have services f [...]

Juan Vallejo Prayer Letter: A Special Visit to the States

2019-11-17T12:59:21-06:00November 22nd, 2019|Categories: Juan Vallejo Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you for praying and giving! In July, we celebrated our Brazilian Harvest Festival. We thank the Lord for a good attendance in both churches despite the bitterly cold weather. It has been seven years since our three older boys had been [...]

Juan Vallejo Prayer Letter: Why Do We Live in Brazil?

2019-09-20T10:22:00-05:00September 23rd, 2019|Categories: Juan Vallejo Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you again for praying for and giving to the ongoing needs of the ministries here in Sao Paulo and Cotia, Brazil. In May, we celebrated Mother’s Day with a banquet held in our Sao Paulo location. We brought the ladies from our Cotia ch [...]

Juan Vallejo Prayer Letter: He Is Able to Do Above All That We Ask or Think!

2019-05-31T23:40:15-05:00June 4th, 2019|Categories: Juan Vallejo Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you all for your faithful prayers and support. We want to ask you to please pray for one of the families that has been so faithful to pray for us over the years. The Noonan family needs your fervent and continual prayers for their son [...]

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