Gregg Schoof Family

Gregg Schoof Prayer Letter: 10 Saved From Revival!

By |2019-05-18T01:55:00-05:00May 21st, 2019|Categories: Gregg Schoof Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Well, praise the Lord! We finally paid our last payment for our lawyer, so we are now freer to start doing things again. All in all, it came to more than $18,000. Yes, a whole lot! I want to thank all those who sent special gifts to help, e [...]

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Gregg Schoof Prayer Letter: Two New Students

By |2019-03-23T22:18:54-05:00March 27th, 2019|Categories: Gregg Schoof Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We are so happy to report that we have two more students in Bible college in Uganda. Vedoste and Sam (blue shirt) were both in our church for several years and were good Christians. Vedoste has been going soul winning with us for years and [...]

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Gregg Schoof Prayer Letter: Five Graduate From Bible College!

By |2019-02-02T22:36:01-06:00February 6th, 2019|Categories: Gregg Schoof Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

In November, we were so happy to go see the graduation of five of our Bible college students. Four got saved and went to college from listening to our radio station, and one was from our church. We especially thank our former assistant past [...]

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Gregg Schoof Prayer Letter: Joy Comes in the Morning!

By |2018-11-19T17:12:22-06:00November 23rd, 2018|Categories: Gregg Schoof Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

“. . . weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5) This verse helped me get through many difficulties in the past, and again I find myself leaning on the strength of this verse. We are now going through a ve [...]

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Gregg Schoof Prayer Letter: Hurry Up and Wait

By |2018-09-10T21:45:48-05:00September 12th, 2018|Categories: Gregg Schoof Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

I think everyone has heard the term “hurry up and wait.” Well, that is exactly what we are going through. The radio court case was delayed again. The date in July turned out to be only a pre-trial hearing. We are now told that the REAL cour [...]

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Gregg Schoof Prayer Letter: New Field–Burundi

By |2018-07-16T17:17:25-05:00July 17th, 2018|Categories: Gregg Schoof Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

This is probably the most difficult prayer letter I have ever had to write because this has been our home for 15 years. After talking with Pastor Wilkerson and Bro Bosje, we have decided to leave Rwanda and move to Burundi—the country below [...]

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Gregg Schoof Prayer Letter: 6,300 Churches Closed in Rwanda

By |2018-05-22T16:23:19-05:00May 26th, 2018|Categories: Gregg Schoof Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

If you missed our last letter, let me repeat a bit of what is going on. In February, both our church and radio station were closed down by the government—within three days of each other. We had not done anything wrong for either situation. [...]

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Gregg Schoof Prayer Letter: Church and Radio Closed!

By |2018-03-12T15:27:52-05:00March 12th, 2018|Categories: Gregg Schoof Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) Right now I am having to remind myself continually of this verse. I cannot see the end of the pat [...]

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Gregg Schoof Prayer Letter: Soul-Winning Driving Lesson

By |2018-02-07T21:23:09-06:00February 12th, 2018|Categories: Andres Amoros Family, Gregg Schoof Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

These two months we were happy to be able to get a lot of work done. We finally were able to get most of the titles to our property. For one title, I ended up going to the prison six times to get signatures from the previous owner. So we no [...]

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Gregg Schoof Prayer Letter: Medical Problems

By |2017-12-04T17:49:59-06:00December 7th, 2017|Categories: Gregg Schoof Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

In September, we were so happy to have visitors! Bro. Warren and Jary Lynn Storm, or better said, Grandpa and Grandma came for a 10-day visit. The kids were so happy! We got to show them Kigali, go soul winning, and just have a good ol’ tim [...]

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