James and Linda Belisle

James Belisle Prayer Letter: Missions Conference

2016-11-04T13:52:15-05:00September 2nd, 2016|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Plans for September It will be easy to write this prayer letter, since we just ended our 2016 Faith Promise Missions Conference. But before I get to that, I will update you on what has been happening in other areas. I was able to finalize p [...]

James Belisle Prayer Letter: Explaining the Ministry

2016-11-15T09:58:25-06:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

Though I have been in this ministry of missionary evangelism for over 19 years, I still get asked periodically what it is that I actually do. In other words, “What is the ministry of missionary evangelism?” In this letter I thought I would [...]

James Belisle Prayer Letter: Preaching in Nigeria–Twenty Years Later!

2016-11-15T10:35:40-06:00April 30th, 2016|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

Twenty years ago this month, I took my first (and only) missions trip as a pastor. I did not take the trip with anything in mind other than to increase my vision for missions and hopefully to help my church in their vision for missions. I d [...]

James Belisle Prayer Letter: Missions in the United States

2017-02-02T14:43:12-06:00March 7th, 2016|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

With all the talk in this country regarding Islamic terrorism, if we Christians are not careful, we can focus more on terrorism than on the souls of Muslims we meet. I was on a plane recently when the Lord allowed me to sit by a Muslim. Thi [...]

James Belisle Prayer Letter: Nigeria Trip and Christmas

2017-02-02T14:43:14-06:00January 8th, 2016|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Ministry As I mentioned in my last prayer letter, I took a trip to Nigeria for two weeks in November. I was able to minister in five different churches, one Bible college, and two public schools. The emphasis in two of the churches located [...]

James Belisle Prayer Letter: Returning After 19 Years

2017-02-02T14:43:17-06:00October 7th, 2015|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

My pastor, along with 13 other church members, went on a trip to Tanzania. They were with one of our missionaries, Jerry Wyatt III and his family, for 2½ weeks. Pastor Brown asked me to oversee the church in his absence, so I was able to pr [...]

James Belisle Prayer Letter: Preaching in the Upper Peninsula

2017-02-02T14:43:28-06:00June 28th, 2015|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Dear Friends, June 30, 2015 This two-month stretch started out with Linda and me going out to North Platte, Nebraska, so I could teach Proverbs at the Great Plains Baptist College, preach the graduation service for the college, and preach i [...]

James Belisle Prayer Letter: 18 Years and Counting

2017-02-02T14:43:34-06:00February 27th, 2015|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

This coming April will mark 18 years I have been involved in missionary evangelism. Through those years I have presented this unique ministry to hundreds of churches. Often as I travel, I am asked exactly what it is that I do in this minist [...]

James Belisle Prayer Letter: From Nigeria to a Live Animal Christmas Play

2017-02-02T14:43:36-06:00December 28th, 2014|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Since this is my last letter of the year and realizing you will receive this letter after Christmas, I want to start the letter off by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Linda and I were very blessed to have our da [...]

James Belisle Prayer Letter: Graduates Serving the Lord!

2017-02-02T14:43:47-06:00October 7th, 2014|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

Personal In my last letter, I mentioned how we needed to help Linda’s brother Bob because of his health. During July and August, we made five trips to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, an eight-hour drive, to help him. Due to the nature of h [...]

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