About Joseph Elwell

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So far Joseph Elwell has created 12 blog entries.

Joseph Elwell Prayer Letter: God Is Blessing Our Travels

By |2014-04-29T16:01:23-05:00May 3rd, 2014|Categories: Dr. Joseph and Crystal Elwell, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

Dear Pastor and Prayer Warriors, God is blessing in our travels and meetings. It does seem to be a struggle with some of the churches to increase their Faith Promise giving. Some churches have had faithful folks move away, and some have bee [...]

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Joseph Elwell Prayer Letter: Looking Forward to the New Year

By |2017-02-02T14:44:08-06:00January 21st, 2014|Categories: Dr. Joseph and Crystal Elwell, Prayer Letters|

Dear Pastor and Church, Praise the Lord for His goodness! We are off to a great start in this New Year. This past Saturday I got to go out soul winning with a Dustin, a young Marine who recently surrendered to preach. This was one of the si [...]

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