Montana & Kellie Morrow2024-06-18T11:05:10-05:00




Montana Birthday 04/17
Kellie Birthday 10/11
Montana & Kellie Wedding Anniversary 06/16
Landon Birthday 02/29

I grew up in a Christian home and went to the church my Grandfather pastored.

At the age of four, I started asking questions about what I was being taught in Sunday school.

My mother explained the Gospel to me and I asked Jesus into my heart on December 16th, 1999. I continued going to church and attended youth conferences and Pastor’s School at First Baptist Church of Hammond Indiana. At Pastor’s School 2009, Dr. David Gibbs preached on surrendering to Gods will regardless of where in the world and God spoke to my heart. After the service i went back to my hotel room and promised God i would give Him complete control over my life and would go wherever He showed me. The following year I attended the Our Time Youth conference at Marion Ave. Baptist Church in Washington Iowa. The church had a guest speaker named Jerry Wyatt the 3rd from Tanzania, Africa. During the message God spoke to my heart again and said, “there is where I want you to go and that’s who I want you to serve with”. Immediately after the message I talked to Bro. Wyatt what God laid upon my heart and we have continued towards that goal ever since.

My training for the mission field brought me to Hyles-Anderson College where I graduated from in 2016 and met my wife Kellie. After out wedding we took a survey trip to Tanzania and returned will even more excitement of what God will do with our life on the mission field.

Victory in Grace Baptist Church
1700 B Ave. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402


 (319) 360-4155
107 Partridge Ave
Marion, IA 52302
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #177.


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Montana and Kellie Morrow Prayer Letter: For with the Heart, Man Believeth unto Righteousness

Montana and Kellie Morrow Prayer Letter: For with the Heart, Man Believeth unto RighteousnessThe last paragraph of our July letter asked for prayer regarding our Stadium Crusade, which took place on July 27. This was the 10th year that we have hosted the event. The PCC Eagles from Florida played against a national team from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Every year during the halftime show, Pastor Jerry Wyatt preaches the Gospel to those in attendance. Everyone receives a John & Romans in Swahili. Marion Avenue Baptist Church from Washington, Iowa, brought a group to help with prep work, outreach, and the special music. With over 3,500 people in attendance, 821 of those believed in Christ for salvation! The following day was our annual Soccer Sunday. Any soccer team that attends church on this day receives a new soccer ball and pump. There were over 1,200 people in church, with 120 trusting in Christ!

Following those two major events, we did something new this year. We held two mini-crusades in local villages. We used the same format that we do with the Stadium Crusade. The PCC Eagles played against village soccer teams, and during halftime, Pastor Wyatt preached the Gospel. Over 3,300 people heard the Gospel between the 2 crusades, and 417 of those people put their belief in Christ! That’s 1,358 people who are now going to Heaven as a result of 4 soccer-related events! God is still saving souls!

In July, we had a personal answer to prayer. We were in need of a second vehicle. We bought our first car, a 2001 Toyota Prado after we moved here in 2021. It’s been a great vehicle, especially with the road conditions here, but it’s the only one we’ve had. Kellie borrowed the church’s car from time to time, mainly on Sundays because we leave for church at different times. The church car was in a bad accident (Kellie was not driving it), and the car was totaled. This left us with one vehicle on Sundays. We live less than five minutes from the church, so I walked every week, and Kellie and Landon took the Prado. We did this every weekend for two months. We were praying to find a second vehicle before July’s Crusade. We had the money in savings, but finding something in our price range was tricky. Everything we liked was in Dar es Salaam. July came, and the window was closing for us to find and purchase something before the group arrived . . . or so we thought. We finally found a buyer who was willing to drive a vehicle to Morogoro so I could look at it. A week before the Crusade happened, we purchased a 2010 Mitsubishi Pajero Mini. Talk about a close call!

Earlier this year, I held a 20-week Foundations of My Faith discipleship program in my teen class. Upon graduation, each participant received a new hardcover KJV Bible and a certificate suitable for framing. What they did not know was that they also earned a special trip to Dar es Salaam to race go-karts! I am so proud of those who put in the work, and we praise God for a safe and fun trip. A less fun part was that for several of my teens, this was one of the last times that I would see them before they headed out of the country for college. I had students leave for Denmark, England, and Cypress. Although I can still reach them through WhatsApp, I will miss seeing them each week in class. I pray that God continues to guide them as our class verse, Proverbs 3:5-6, states.

In August, the Wyatt family returned to the States for a short visit to be with family. During this time, I have helped with many of the ministries that Pastor Wyatt normally teaches in addition to my own workload. These include preaching in the main church services, the Masai Bible Study, Wordsmith English Adult Bible Study, and a Saturday morning boys’ class. I have several more lessons to prepare each week, but they all have been very fruitful. Several new Masai have been baptized, and three have joined the church! I am so grateful to our church staff for always stepping up to help when the moment calls.

Overall, the ministries are going well here. Sunday school classes are growing. We had 15 new boarders from the international school sign up for church this fall! Kellie had a high day of 17 kids in class. My Bible Club had 14 kids believing in Christ for salvation! The last teen activity we held, there were 50 teens in attendance—that’s a record number! I’d love to see all of those teens faithfully attend church every week and make personal decisions for Christ. Kids’ Day had over 30 salvations! The main church attendance is 500 or more every week.

Pray with us for Landon’s salvation. We believe he is close to making a personal decision. He believes that Jesus is the Son of God. He believes that Jesus died on the Cross and rose up from the dead. He knows that he is a sinner. He knows about Hell and the Devil. We did sit down with him once and open up the Bible, but he wasn’t focused enough. We do not want to push him into making a false confession; we want him to be guided by the Holy Spirit. And more than anything else, we want it to be his decision. He loves church, and he’s been listening well in Sunday school. Kellie says he’s now one of the kids who knows most of the answers to the review questions. The belief is there; now he just needs to do as Romans 10:9-10 states: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Your missionaries to Tanzania,

Montana, Kellie, and Landon Morrow

October 5th, 2024|Tags: , , |



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