Dan & Deborah Rothwell2023-10-06T13:36:22-05:00




Dan Birthday 01/16
Deborah Birthday 05/29
Dan & Deborah
Wedding Anniversary 12/31
Jessica Birthday 01/25
Danielle Birthday 10/13
Chelsea Birthday 06/28

Grace Baptist Church
256 North Rd.
Groton, CT 06340


(671) 734-0118
(671) 734-7228
P.O. Box 26515
G.M.F., Guam 96921
P.O. Box 26515
G.M.F., Guam 96921




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #18.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Dan and Deb Rothwell Prayer Letter: Routine

Dan and Deb Rothwell Prayer Letter: RoutineHafa Adai from the beautiful island of Guam.

Routine would be the best word to describe the past couple of months. Routine is a blessing, and I am thankful for it, but it does not lend itself to an exciting prayer letter. I have tried to think of something exciting to write about, but even the soul-winning experiences were “routine,” though soul winning is special no matter how routine it may seem.

By comparison to January and February’s frenetic soul winning, March and April’s soul winning was “routine.” The contrast made it difficult to write the next update, not wanting to disappoint. But as in and with all things, there are the “highs,” and then there are the “not so highs.” If I am willing to write about one, I must write about the other also. “. . . for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” (Philippians 4:11) For me, this means that I can be “okay” any way, whether exciting, routine, or not. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4:13)

Since the last update, the Lord has used me personally to lead 25 people to Christ.

While looking to lead someone to the Lord, I saw a group of five sitting on the edge of a sidewalk as if they were waiting for something. It turned out that they were waiting for the bus, so while they waited for the bus, they let me explain the Gospel to them. When I finished, all five acknowledged that they understood the Gospel and believed it and then prayed to receive the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts as their Saviour. Shortly thereafter, the bus arrived, and they were gone.

Last year, the largest family we had in church moved to Alaska. Most of the family members were baptized shortly before the move. We believed the Lord did something amazing for them with the move and were happy about that. Recently, we saw them again, as they returned to Guam because the matriarch of the family clan had died. It was great to see them again. Regarding the matriarch who died, the Lord used me to lead her to Christ several years ago. Their extended family insisted on a Catholic funeral, and I was “proud” of our church folks because they did not make a fuss over it and tarnish their testimonies. They knew exactly where “mom” went, and no religious ceremony was going to affect that one way or the other.

Island Baptist Church is doing fine. Our folks remain faithful and continue to grow in the Lord. The Lord continues to minister to them in church and continues to take up for them in tangible ways in their personal lives. One of our faithful men wanted to transfer to a different department at work. The officer in charge refused the request because our member was the most valuable employee in the department. Recently, the officer’s boss took our member’s resume to place him in a higher position, along with a pay raise.

We thank you for faithfully praying for us and supporting us. We continue in this calling and ministry by God’s mercy and grace and because you have joined us in this journey.

Please continue to pray for our health and safety, Island Baptist Church, Guam, and Micronesia.

In His harvest field,

Dan Rothwell and Family

May 29th, 2024|Tags: , |



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