Wes & Cynthia Palla2023-10-06T12:43:08-05:00




Wes Birthday 11/24
Cynthia Birthday 05/16
Wes & Cynthia Wedding Anniversary 09/01
Mia Birthday 11/22
Mahaela Birthday 05/15
Mariella Birthday 06/23
Michael Birthday 10/17

Wes and Cynthia Palla are missionaries serving in São Paulo, Brazil. They have been married for nine years and have three daughters:  Mia, Mahaela, and Mariella.

Upon graduating from Bible college, they spent two years working with Missionary Kevin Wynne in Mexico City. They worked in various ministries there and also helped to plant churches in South America. After their time in Mexico, they returned to the States to raise support for Brazil. Upon completion of deputation, they moved to São Paulo, Brazil, in the spring of 2014.

During the last two years, they have helped to plant churches in several South
American countries, learned Portuguese, and made yearly trips into the Amazon Basin to evangelize unreached people groups. In the summer of 2016, they founded the Maranatha Baptist Church of Guarulhos, Brazil. Their prayer is to see God build His church there in Guarulhos and to see it become a pattern church involved in starting scores of other churches across the city of São Paulo and the nation of Brazil.

Their long-term goal is to see the people and churches of Brazil grow beyond being missionary “receivers” and become missionary “senders.”

Ministry Goals Moving Forward


  • Soul winning and discipleship
  • The growth and grounding of Maranatha Baptist Church, Guarulhos, Brazil
  • Eventual Bible institute to provide doctrinal and practical training


  • Send out pastors, preachers, and teachers
  • Continue Amazon outreach, using medical/dental clinics to get the Gospel into tribal areas
  • Strengthen the churches in the Amazon Basin


  • Send out missionaries to other Portuguese-speaking countries (19)
  • Continue to assist in planting churches across our continent (12 churches to date)

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


75 Foxfire Lane
Charleston, WV 25312
Rua Praia de Itamaracá Qd. B8, Lt. 18
Vilas do Atlântico, Lauro de Freitas BA
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #154.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: Winter Work

Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: Winter WorkI pray that you all had a productive and blessed summer. Our winter here in Salvador, Brazil, was a flurry of activity. Unfortunately, those flurries never include snow.

In June, we welcomed Pastor Mike Leonard and his wife Michelle to the northeast of Brazil. They were a tremendous help to our people, teaching about the family, singing special music, and helping with VBS preparations. Our people thoroughly enjoyed them, as did we. What a blessing it is to have not just supporters, but dear friends in the ministry.

As soon as they headed back to the States, we started our three-day winter VBS. This year, Missionary Nathaniel Hudson did the lion’s share of the planning: working on a theme, the skit, prizes, object lessons, activities, etc. And as always, Cynthia worked her magic on the decorations and a daily snack/meal for the kids. The whole event was a great success, and I can only tip my hat to all of our folks that were involved and had a part in making sure everything ran so well. We had over 20 adults and older teens serving in various capacities each day. There were many salvation decisions, and we were thrilled to see several parents and grandparents show up on the last day.

July was filled with travel. I took the entire family with me this year on a missions trip to Bolivia to be one of the conference speakers for my dear friend, Gilberto Fuentes, a graduate of Pastor Kevin Wynne’s Bible college in Mexico. The Lord moved in a powerful way throughout the week, and there were many decisions made by young and old alike. I was blessed to see the Lord work in the hearts of our two oldest, Mia and Mahaela, during our time in Bolivia.

From there, Cynthia and I were in Peru for four days, where I was given the opportunity to preach again at a church just outside of Lima, and then FINALLY back home to settle in to our normal routine. This month, we will be fixing a leaky roof and drain system at the church and trying to finish getting the church van roadworthy.

Just this month, we have seen several people saved out door knocking, we have folks getting baptized this week, and we have others signed up for our discipleship course. This is all because of your faithful prayers and giving. Thank you so much. We are honored and blessed to represent you.

Declaring His glory,

Wesley Palla
Psalm 96:3

FBMI Missionary Wes Palla Prayer Letter Picture

August 16th, 2024|Tags: , |



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