Tim and Christa Simmons Prayer Letter: Jesus Saves!Jesus Saves!

We have been working with Yamilsa for a few months now. Explaining salvation has been a long process for her. She’s had many religious influences in her life, which have caused a lot of confusion for her. Many hours of sitting with her, answering questions, and explaining salvation in many different ways brought her to where she tearfully said, “I want to accept His gift now!” Praise the Lord, she put her trust in Jesus for salvation!

Creative Outreach

We love serving the Lord in Uruguay, but it can be a challenge at times to reach people with the Gospel. We are trying several creative ways to reach out to the lost. We have started to set up a table three times a week at street markets near where we plan to plant our church. I put tracts and John & Romans on the table. My goal is to witness to those who are interested. I do believe it will take time until people begin to ask questions and are willing to listen to the Gospel. Please pray for the Lord to soften the hard hearts.

Christa has also been going to a weekly Spanish conversation class hosted by the city. She has been able to meet immigrants from around the world. She met a lady from South Africa, who is interested in coming to church. We also invited an Indian man and a Russian lady to our home to explain in more detail Who Jesus is and why we believe Christianity is true. I would describe them as skeptical, but curious. We are still in touch with them. Please pray for their salvation.

Planning Our Church Launch

We are hard at work going door-to-door soul winning, canvassing, and using social media to get the word out about our church plant. This past Saturday, I met a man from Cuba who told me I had given him a tract in the past. He sounded interested in coming to church. We plan to officially launch our church on October 13, which is spring here. We are holding services in our home on Sundays and doing discipleship during the week. Even though the group in our home is small, we do live stream the service on YouTube, which allows many others to join in. We do praise the Lord for several people we’ve met who have expressed interest in our church plant! We also recently had a meeting with a church about possibly using their building for services. They have services at 4:00 p.m. on Sundays, which would allow us to use the building in the morning and on Saturdays. They are willing to help us out, which would be very cost-effective. Please pray that we make the right decision.


• Yamilsa’s salvation!
• Open doors to present the Gospel!
• A number of people interested in our church


• For the salvation of those we’ve witnessed to
• The services in our home to grow
• The right building to meet in
• Elizabeth—she fell down the stairs and has about a 2-inch fracture on her head. The doctors told us it should heal on its own.
• Our Spanish ability

Thank you for continuing to give and pray! We love you all so much.

Your missionaries to Uruguay,

Tim, Christa, Ethan, Evan, Emmalynn, and Elizabeth Simmons