

Missionary #6011 Prayer Letter: Amazed at the Wisdom and Timing of God!

By |April 17th, 2020|Missionary #6011, Prayer Letters|

I am amazed at the wisdom and timing of God! Taiwan had not been a thought that we had given a lot of consideration to. It is China—Chinese people, Chinese food, Chinese language, old Chinese culture–but with freedom of religion, etc. In th [...]

Missionary #6501 Prayer Letter: Complications, Compliance, & Completion

By |April 14th, 2020|Mark B. Family (#6501), Prayer Letters|

Never in our collective lifetimes has the world around us seemed more bizarre. The publicly admitted plans of global elitists play themselves out at home and abroad. It is as if we are all trapped in the pages of an Orwellian novel or in th [...]

Team Ghana National Pastor Spotlight: He Saw the Difference

By |April 6th, 2020|Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|

Your support for missions is being multiplied here in West Africa. Men have been trained and sent out to reach others for Christ. Please pray for these men, their ministries, and their families. Pastor Kingsley Addai “Benjamin Aboagye is a [...]

Missionary #6004 Prayer Letter: Nothing Is Hidden From the Lord

By |March 31st, 2020|Jason M. Family (#6004), Prayer Letters|

“Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.”  (Psalm 139:12) When we cannot understand why things happen the way they do, contemplate this thought for a while [...]

Team Ghana Update: Fruit from Our Information Center Ministry

By |March 23rd, 2020|Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|

In 2018, our church started our information center ministry. An information center is a community loudspeaker heard by hundreds all around. Many communities in Kumasi have an information center, and we have been renting airtime in order to [...]

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